Dieting is never easy. For a good weight loss plan to work you really need structure – and there's no better way to get that structure than to have all your meals prepared for you, packaged in perfect portions, and delivered to your front door or to your fitness center!
Those are just a few reasons we believe the Diet-to-Go meal plan is your best bet for launching and sticking with a diet.
Sure, there are other companies that will deliver food to you. But we haven't found any that matches our attention to detail and quality. We'll not only send you your chef-inspired breakfasts, lunches and dinners BUT we'll also send you just about every little extra you need – right down to the condiments, yogurts, fruit, juices, breads and rolls.
According to the website FueltheMind.com, “No matter how good the reputation of a diet meal home delivery service is, the taste and texture of the meals you receive are what will keep you focused on your weight loss plan.
“Quality delivered meals are essential in keeping your motivation to reach your ideal weight and paying a little extra for fresh ingredients and a masterful chef’s touch in meal preparation is essential.”
It's like they were writing about us! So, here are our...
No Meal Planning!
We plan out a five-week menu for you. Using our handy online service, you simply make your choice between low-fat traditional, vegetarian low-fat or low-carb menu– and click off any substitutions you want to make your meal plan personalized to your unique preferences.
No Shopping!
You can pad out your meal plan with two cups of skim milk and maybe a salad or two a day. But we'll even send you snacks if you'd like! Your weekly meals arrive on your doorstep like clockwork via FedEx or, in certain regions, you pick up your fresh meals twice a week at your local distributor!
No Cooking!
All you need to do is to heat and eat – and most meals need less than three minutes to warm up. Put your pots and pans – and skillets – in storage because we're basically you're personal chef!
No Clean-Up!
If you want to keep the recyclable collectors happy, you will need to rinse out your plastic meal containers. And maybe you'll need to rinse out a cup or glass. However, forget about scrubbing pots and pans -- we've done the dirty work for you.
Perfect Portions!
Nutritionists say the #1 reason we're overweight in record numbers is because we eat too much food... too much of the wrong food! With Diet-to-Go, you'll get delicious, healthy meals that come in the proper serving sizes for steady weight loss. WebMD.com says, "One of the key ways to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight is through portion control... Americans often underestimate how many calories they are consuming each day by as much as 25%."
No Math!
There's no counting points, carbs or calories – we've done the math for you! You can rest your brain after a hard day's work and concentrate on enjoying our gourmet fare!
Costs less than dining out!
Remember, you still need to eat, so the cost of our food isn't in addition to your weekly food budget. And if you tend to eat most of your meals away from home, you know how pricey that can be! Many of our satisfied clients swear they are spending less money on food each week by letting Diet-to-Go create their meals.
Frees up time for fitness!
Now that you don't have to stress over meal planning, shopping and cooking, you have plenty of time to work in fitness. By combining healthy eating with regular activity, you set your metabolism on high and lose more weight than by dieting or exercising alone!
Meets Health Guidelines!
Most of our pre-portioned meals meet the dietary guidelines of major health organizations like the American Heart Association and American Dietetic Association. Our low-fat and vegetarian meals are also a nice fit for people with diabetes.
Proven Results!
We've featured a small segment of the men and women who've scored major weight loss success by having their meals created for them on our website. The bottom line: If you follow our meal plan and eat what we send you, you will lose weight, and enjoy better health.
John McGran has been a writer/editor for about as long as he's been battling his weight. During his 25 year-career, John has written for several newspapers, tabloids and Web sites. You may recognize his name and style from the seven years he spent writing a Worst of the Worst Foods column as Mr. Bad Food. If you have any topics you'd like John to tackle, feel free to write him at jmcgran@diettogo.com