Diet-to-Go Blog
Overall Health & Nutrition
  1. Sleep Hacks: 5 Tricks to Fall Asleep Fast

    Sleep Hacks: 5 Tricks to Fall Asleep Fast

    Are you one of those people who finds your mind starts to race the moment you lie down to sleep, no matter how exhausted you are?

    You’re certainly not alone; about 15% of adults report having trouble falling asleep, and one study shows that more and more Americans struggle to fall and stay asleep.

    Here’s the thing: getting quality sleep is essential when achieving your weight loss goals. Lack of sleep is associated with the risk of obesity, and also with poor impulse control, which plays a significant role in food addictions.

    So is there anything you can do to help lull your body to sleep — particularly when your mind is racing?

  2. Clever Hacks To Help You Get a Better Night’s Sleep

    Clever Hacks To Help You Get a Better Night’s Sleep

    A quality night’s rest is one of the best feelings. It makes it much easier to take on the day’s tasks, make time for exercise, think clearly, be productive and even make better nutrition choices.

    Unfortunately, many of us may struggle to get quality sleep. 

    If you're one of those people, you may want to take a peek at our list of things you can try in order to up the quantity (and quality) of those zzzzs! 

  3. How To Develop a Healthy Mindset, and Why

    How To Develop a Healthy Mindset, and Why

    Life is all about your mindset. That’s true when it comes to losing weight, too. A recent study from the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior found that people who view a meal as a way to be healthy ate significantly smaller portion sizes than those who viewed them as a pleasure or a way to stay full until the next meal.

  4. 10 Essential Foods for Promoting Heart Health

    10 Essential Foods for Promoting Heart Health

    In honor of American Heart Month, give your heart some love! Add a few of these essential foods for promoting heart health to your usual menu plan. Chow down on these on a regular basis and you’ll likely do wonders for making sure your heart keeps pumping strong.

  5. What it Would Take to Burn off That Halloween Candy

    What it Would Take to Burn off That Halloween Candy

    October is here, and that means lots and lots of candy. And whether you have kids or not, there’s a very high likelihood you’re going to encounter it this time of year.

    But before you pop those fun-size bars or miniature peanut butter cups into your mouth without a thought, consider what they mean for your overall goals, because you can't actually burn off unhealthy food choices. But to put things into perspective, let's find out just how much exercise those teeny weenie bars of seemingly insignificant calories are equivalent to.

  6. Weight Loss Can Lower Blood Pressure in People with Diabetes

    Weight Loss Can Lower Blood Pressure in People with Diabetes

    People with prediabetes and Type 2 diabetes are often managing numerous issues, including high blood pressure. Regularly keeping track of what’s what, when it’s time for medications, and how much to take can take its toll on quality of life. But new research reiterates that a healthy diet and weight loss has the potential to turn all that around.

  7. How Your Weight Plays a Role in Brain Function

    How Your Weight Plays a Role in Brain Function

    Ever had a day where you feel like your brain just isn’t all there? Maybe even multiple days? Your weight may not only effect how well you feel... but also how well you think! One way to shake off that sluggish feeling, both body and mind, may be to work at shedding some of those unwanted pounds. 

  8. How Time-Restricted Eating Can Make a Big Impact on Prediabetes

    How Time-Restricted Eating Can Make a Big Impact on Prediabetes

    Have you been diagnosed with prediabetes? It can seem scary and an opportunity to turn things around. Time restricted eating, like intermittent fasting can make a big impact on prediabetes. 

  9. 7 Essential Supplements for People Over Age 50

    7 Essential Supplements for People Over Age 50

    Did you know that people's happiness levels start to rise after the age of 50? To ensure you’re aging well, at your best and happily, it’s essential you’re getting the proper nutrients — whether from foods or through supplements. This list of the top seven vitamins and minerals for diet, health, and wellness is a great starting point for a discussion with your doctor about how you can make vitamins work for you.

  10. Is It Better to Get Vitamins from Food or Supplements?

    Is It Better to Get Vitamins from Food or Supplements?

    The proper amount of vitamins is critical to overall wellness, but does it matter where those vitamins come from? A recent study from Tufts University explored that very question and this is what they found.

  11. Do You Know the Warning Signs of Type 2 Diabetes? (And What to Do After You Are Diagnosed)

    Do You Know the Warning Signs of Type 2 Diabetes? (And What to Do After You Are Diagnosed)

    You’ve heard the numbers...more than 30 million adults in the U.S. have diabetes. Another 85 million have pre-diabetes. So, how do you know if you’re one of them? And, if so, what are the next steps?

  12. 6 Steps to Take Right After Learning You Have Type 2 Diabetes

    6 Steps to Take Right After Learning You Have Type 2 Diabetes

    Ok, so you found out you have Type 2 diabetes. That can be devastating news. But it’s also not the end of the world. It’s more than possible to live a long, happy, healthy life -- and maybe even reverse the diagnosis. So, what steps should you take to get to a point where you’re not only surviving -- but thriving -- with a Type 2 diabetes diagnosis?

  13. Is Sodium Really Bad for Your Health?

    Is Sodium Really Bad for Your Health?

    There has long been a belief in the health community that high sodium intake can lead to spikes in blood pressure and damage to your heart. But is that really true?

  14. 100 Years of Weight Loss: A History of Fad Diets and Healthy Eating

    100 Years of Weight Loss: A History of Fad Diets and Healthy Eating

    Dieting has a long, strong history dating back hundreds of years. From the cigarette and liquid diets, to weight-loss pills, low carb, and everything in between, the history of diets is a rich one that sometimes focused on overall wellness, often times was a knee-jerk response that failed to deliver long-term results, and a few times was even downright dangerous. Take a quick journey through time to discover which fads were duds and which might be ripe for a post-millennial reprise.

  15. New Report Insights: Diabetes and Diet-to-Go's Role

    New Report Insights: Diabetes and Diet-to-Go's Role

    A new report from Gallup-Healthways sheds light on the status of diabetes in the United States — and the news is unsettling. Today, 2.5 million more people in the country have diabetes than in 2008.

    Luckily, there are ways to combat diabetes. One, is by achieving and maintaining a healthy weight through a nutritious, balanced diet. And Diet-to-Go may help do just that with a meal plan that is specifically catered to people with pre- and Type 2 diabetes. 

  16. 5 Diet Trends to Watch in 2017

    5 Diet Trends to Watch in 2017

    Last year, the big diet buzz was to eat crickets. Yes, you heard right. Experts say the bugs are packed with Omega-3 fatty acids and easy to digest. (Yet I still can’t stomach the idea of eating crickets.)

    But 2017 is bringing a host of different diet trends — things that, if you’re like me, are a bit easier to wrap your head (and stomach) around.

    Here’s the top 5 diet trends, straight from dietitians, to pay attention to in 2017.

  17. 6 Things Your Doctor Wants You to Know about Pre-Diabetes and Diabetes

    6 Things Your Doctor Wants You to Know about Pre-Diabetes and Diabetes

    Anyone who has ever worked toward a weight-loss goal knows how tough it can be to rely on willpower alone, ESPECIALLY around the holidays. So, Diet-to-Go has compiled some of the best and weirdest science-based techniques for keeping you honest. Instead of counting on your co-worker to slap that donut out of your hand, check out these seven tricks for avoiding Halloween treats:

  18. Top 10 Vitamins and Minerals for Weight Loss, Fitness, and Good Health

    Top 10 Vitamins and Minerals for Weight Loss, Fitness, and Good Health

    If you’re eating a perfectly healthy diet, you probably don’t need to supplement with vitamins. But even the smallest gaps in nutrition can cause deficiencies, altering the efficiency of your metabolism and hormones. This list of the top ten vitamins and minerals for diet, health, and wellness is a great starting point for a discussion with your doctor about how you can make vitamins work for you.

  19. Why Our Fitbit Winners Have a Leg Up on Weight-Loss (And How You Can Too!)

    Why Our Fitbit Winners Have a Leg Up on Weight-Loss (And How You Can Too!)

    Diet-to-Go is empowering and inspiring our customers to live healthier, more active lives. Each day in January, we awarded a new customer a FitBit tracking device. Did you win?! We believe that the combination of healthy, delicious food and the power to track your daily activity is a weight-loss match made in heaven, find out why:

  20. 8 Spices Your Heart Will Love As Much As You Do

    8 Spices Your Heart Will Love As Much As You Do

    Limiting sodium, increasing fiber, eating more fruits and veggies, adding exercise…these are all proven ways to boost your heart health. But did you know that there are some secret ingredients for a vital heart just waiting for you in your pantry? It's true! The various herbs and spices that make your meals burst with flavor also make your heart glow with health!

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