Special for DiettoGo.com
by Linda Miner RNC, CHN, CMTA
Contrary to popular belief, the average person gains only about one pound between Thanksgiving and Christmas. This should not allay the concern over the copious amounts of white sugar, white flour and alcohol people are consuming during this time. "But it's the Holidays!!!" is the excuse, rather the plea, from people who want to indulge.
It is important not to feel deprived because this may lead to binging later, but it is possible to be smart about it.
Here are 6 tips to help you through the holidays:
1. Offer to be the Designated Driver and bring a bottle of sparkling water with lemon and limes. Be sure to drink it from a nice glass. Your friends will love you and you will save tons of calories.
2. Go for the veggie plate with dip and load up on that before starting in on the other offerings. The fiber in raw vegetables will help you to fill up quickly and the antioxidants will help undo some of the damage from the other choices.
3. Try to eat some protein before you start or while drinking alcohol. Since alcohol is comprised of carbohydrates and can elevate blood sugar levels quite quickly, the protein will help slow down the digestion and stabilize blood sugar levels.
4. Avoid anything that isn't "Special" to the season. Potato chips are NOT special!!!
5. For every alcoholic drink you consume, match it with a full glass of water. Dehydration is the main cause of hangovers. This will also help keep you full and prevent overindulging.
6. If you are baking goodies, try adding 1/4-1/2 cup of ground flax seed to your recipe. You don't have to add any extra liquid because the omega 3 fats in the flax provide enough extra moisture. Your goodies will taste better, nuttier, have more fiber and not spike your blood sugar as much.
Here is a recipe for the absolute best appetizer I know of. I take this to every party I go to and people rave about it and ask for the recipe. You may be surprised by the ingredients but it truly tastes amazing, is very healthy, and its full of antioxidants and parsley is a natural diuretic.
Boniet (makes 1 cup - serves 10)
Per serving 113 cal, 11 g fat, 1.8 g carbs, 1 g fiber, and 1.8 g protein.
2 bunches of parsley, finely chopped
1 oz. of anchovy paste (comes in a tube, usually in the deli section)
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 1/2 Tbsp tomato paste
4 Tbsp white vinegar
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
Toss all ingredients together and let sit for an hour for the flavors to meld. Serve at room temperature with sliced baguette or crackers.
Enjoy a safe and happy holiday season and have no regrets.
Linda Miner is a Registered Nutritionist specializing in Metabolic Typing. Linda works with clients online to help them restore their health by re-establishing balance in the body. Through one-on-one coaching and an individualized food plan based on your unique characteristics, Linda can help you achieve Optimal Health. Learn more at www.iChange.com and www.MyHealthyBalance.com.