Diet-to-Go Blog
  1. Don't Write Off Your Diet Just Yet

    As I was doing my taxes, I got to thinking about weight loss. I know what you’re thinking – “Get a life, Julia!” But if you’re looking for weight loss inspiration virtually everything in life offers a new insight. When doing our taxes we look for every possible truthful and honest deduction that applies to our situation. Apply the same diligence to your weight loss efforts and I’m confident that the scale will be issuing many “refunds.” So, let’s take a look at the latest craze in dieting, the calorie-deducting Tax Man Diet! Your balance sheet shows you weigh 250 pounds but would like to weigh 150. You need deductions that will add up to 100 pounds. No need to call in an accountant. Your best bet is to place a call to the number crunchers at Diet-To-Go. The perfectly portioned meals put you on the calorie budget that will get you in shape and make some serious deductions to your bottom line! Go it alone and you need to realize that instead of having a Big Mac, soft drink and fries, it is more healthful to choose a salad with grilled chicken and a glass of water. Your deduction from this one change is sure to pay great dividends. Constantly craving a particular “vice food” such as chocolate, chips, pizza or soft drinks? You need to realize that each time you eat them you are taxing yourself by putting strain on your heart and pressure on your other organs. You’re also depriving yourself from realizing your desired returns. People often associate giving up their favorite foods as a state of deprivation. I think the opposite. Eating junk foods is to live deprived of what you really want it in life – fitness and improved health. Take control and live the life you desire! Unhealthy foods are like taxes and weight loss is like a refund check. You can’t have a lot of taxes to pay and expect a refund, right? If you owe, you owe! Weight loss is no different. If you eat the unhealthy foods you are not going to realize weight loss. Follow these 6 tax time tips and save your flagging diet: 1. Control your spending (eat healthy foods in proper moderation) 2. Give generously to charities (exercise… it’s the gift that keeps on giving) 3. Itemize carefully (drink water) 4. Check your calculations (know how many calories you are consuming) 5. Don’t claim too many exemptions (cupcakes are not exempt!) 6. Trust the experts (like complicated taxes, healthful cooking is best handled by the pros) If you do these 6 simple steps, you will definitely earn the refund that you desire, reaching your goal weight. Julia is the author of the best selling weight loss books, Awaken the Diet Within (Warner Books) and The Vice Busting Diet (St. Martin's Press) -- which is endorsed by Oprah regulars Dr. Mehmet Oz and Dr. David L. Katz. She has been featured in Woman's World, First for Women, Glamour, Brides, Essence, USA Today and more. Having lost and kept off 130 pounds, Julia not only offers effective advice, but she also knows firsthand that her advice works! Visit for the FREE audio download "Secrets of the Fittest."

    Psychology & Weight Loss
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