Diet-to-Go Blog
  1. I Lost Another 2.4 lbs & Am Down 13 lbs in 3 Weeks!

    I can't believe three weeks have passed since I began my latest diet. More importantly, I also can't believe that I've had another great week of eating great and losing weight -- or that I am down 2.4 lbs this week and 13.0 lbs overall!

    Friends, when you follow the Diet-to-Go meal plans like I am, you never feel hungry. I have yet to feel hungry and I am now into my 22nd day of fine dining with the 1,600-calorie per day low-fat traditional plan!

    If you're looking for a way to kickstart your weight loss or you want to enjoy the summer without fretting over meal planning, food shopping or cooking, then you want to give us a try.

    I was satisfied customer long before I began to work for Diet-to-Go as chief editor. In effect, I found the right stuff for weight loss before I found the write stuff for Diet-to-Go!

    Seriously folks, it's only been three short weeks and I am feeling much more energetic and much more happy when I slip -- yes, slip, not strain -- into my "fat clothes."

    Life is good and it's only gonna get better as I stick with this diet plan and continue to drop weight. From past experience, I know that my bood pressure will begin to drop to a healthier level and that I will be able to pay that extra game of basketball with my children.

    If you need to lose weight, don't wait. Star now. Invest a few dollars in Diet-to-Go and we'll do all the rest. All you have to do is heat your delicious meals and eat like a king -- without paying a princely sum!

    Diet-to-Go... we're your personal chef and dietitian rolled into one!

    Okay, so which meals really got my taste buds dancing this past week? Glad you asked.

    Check out my fabulously delicious five favorites...


    Blueberry Pancakes, Maple Syrup, Turkey Sausage

    Egg Quesadilla, Potato Cake, Citrus Cup

    Turkey Ham Salad, Pretzel Roll, Lentil Chili

    Szechuan Turkey Burger on Multi-Grain Roll, Beet & Carrot Salad

    Turkey Chili, Pasta Salad Primavera, Savory Corn Bread Muffin

    Man, it makes me hunger for these meals just by writing about them!

    That pretzel roll with ham salad is amazing -- as is the lentil chili that comes with it.

    I think the Szechuan burger ranks as one of my all-time favorites. And that's saying a lot since each of the Diet-to-Go meal plans has five weeks of menus -- breakfast, lunches and dinners!

    Have a great week. I know I will... and I fully expect to be back here next week a few pounds lighter and a few smiles happier!

    Author: John McGran

    Archived posts 2010
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