Color me stunned.... and happy... and determined... and ecstatic... and amazed...
The scale tells me I have lost FOUR MORE POUNDS. So, after 7 weeks on the Diet-to-Go Carb30 plan I am down a full 30 pounds, having slimmed from my all-time high of 256 to a much better 226!!
The actual scale number was 226.4; just last week I weighed in at 230.5! This had been one of those weeks when I felt I had either plateaued or maybe even gained back a few tenths.
But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... I lost four more pounds. I simply LOVE this Carb30 diet. When I am not eating my delicious Diet-to-Go meals, I am able to get by with grilled meats (steak, pork chops, bunless cheeseburgers), pepperoni, or good old Slim Jim Monster sticks.
OK, so the latter is far from "healthy." But the point is low-carb looks more at your carb intake rather than the fat and calories. It's almost like a license to be a chowhound carnivore. Almost.
I want to get healthier as I slim. Therefore, I am sure to eat lean meats and low-carb greens when I need to stray from my plan.
Folks, I started this journey at 256. I was fat, frustrated and poorly fed. I am now slimmer, super-motivated to continue, and satisfied without fail by my five-week menu of yummy meals.
Also, I am umpiring three nights a week for the local girls' softball league and not moaning with aches and pains for my efforts. I find my energy level stays just that -- LEVEL. No more afternoon fade outs when I feel like curling up on the floor and passing out.
So, what's on the menu for today? Glad you asked.
BREAKFAST: Western Omelet with Fajita Veggies and Sausage Links
LUNCH: Pork Chop with Pomodoro Sauce and Parmesan Cheese
Green Beans & Fajita Veggies
DINNER: Whitefish Parmesan and Pesto Cauliflower
Simple. Delicious. Weight loss.
You just can't beat Diet-to-Go!
Author: John McGran