Well, after four great weeks of weight loss, I not only hit the wall but I plowed right through it and gained back a heartbreaking 1.8 pounds.
A week after I proudly proclaimed I'd lost 4 pounds for a four-week total of 17.0 lbs., I stepped back on the scale this morning to see the digital number 217.8 staring back at me!
I can sit here and tick off a list of excuses for my weight gain, but the bottom line is I badly swerved from my diet and overdid it from last Friday through last Sunday.
Friday night I hosted a backyard cookout for my girls softball team. There was loads of food -- burgers, dogs, chicken and shrimp on the grill, and savory sides such as creamy mac 'n cheese, roasted potatoes with pepperoni, pasta salad with ham and cheese, fresh salsa and corn chips, etc. -- and loads of drinks.
After a few Corona Lights, my best intentions flittered skyward like the ashes from my new fire pit.
If I had stopped at one day of debauchary, I'd be here breaking even. But, no... I had to go to a baseball game Saturday and my wife had purchased an "all u can eat pass" -- and that led to two hot dogs, one cheeseburger and three diet Pepsis!
That night was another back yard fire and a bit of grazing on party leftovers.
Sunday was yet another cookout and more of the same from Friday.
I guess I should be happy I only regained 1.8 pounds.
I have been good the past two days but now I get ready to venture north to New Hampshire for a weekend wedding and I am worried I may forget to take along my willpower and resolve!
Well, tune in next Wednesday to see if I was able to reverse the tide and get back on track with weight loss.
The good news: I am 15.2 pounds down after 5 weeks.
Meanwhile, here are the Diet-to-Go meals I thoroughly enjoyed this past week... when I wasn't giving in to grilled grub and cold brews!
Barbecue Chicken & Sauce, Anise Roasted Potatoes, Baked Beans, Green Beans & Almonds
Grilled Cheese Sandwich, Lentil Chili, Brownie
Thai Turkey with Orange Cilantro Sauce, Stir Fry Rice, Green Bean Medley
Chicken Pesto Salad, Whole Wheat Roll
Tamale Pie with Ground Turkey, Baked Potato, Sour Cream & Chives, Corn on the Cob
Author: John McGran