It's January 11th -- how are your diet and exercise resolutions faring?
My new diet is going very well, thank you. Sure I'd like to be more active. I have done some walking and I have run the basketball court with the team I coach.
Okay so I really haven't done a lot in the way of fitness. I do know that has to change soon or my weight loss progress will plateau. And there's nothing more frustrating than a stuck scale needle!
Fitness guru Brad Schoenfeld wants to help you and I get on track. The author of such popular books as Look Great Naked and Women's Home Workout Bible has created the easy-to-follow New Year, New You Workout exclusively for Diet-to-Go.
I've worked with Brad for close to 10 years now and I know he has our best interest at heart. Check out his new workout. It just may inspire you to get off the couch or out from behind your computer.
Good luck! Oh... and be sure to watch here Wednesday for my Week One Weigh-In. As you may know Mr Bad Food (that would be me) is following the Diet-to-Go Traditional Low-Fat plan. I feel better already -- less bloated, more energetic -- and I just know the scale will be kind to me this Wednesday morning!
The New Year, New You Workout
by Brad Schoenfeld, DTG Fitness Pro
It's the New Year and you want to start a fitness program that'll boost your weight loss. Trouble is even though you made a resolution to work out regularly you're finding it hard to find the time. No problem!
I've created a short and simple New Year, New You Workout that takes no more than 10 minutes a day to complete.
It's important to realize that weight loss is facilitated by combining proper diet with regimented exercise. Study after study shows that exercise helps to facilitate weight loss.
And just as importantly, exercise helps to keep the weight off over the long haul....
For the rest of the story, click here http://diettogo.net/hh/0110/articles/jan10/newyear.htm
Author: John McGran