Selena’s social media accounts are filled with healthy meals and recipes, so much so that she’s become a go-to source among her friends who want to eat right and lose weight.
But it wasn’t always that way. Rewind 4 years to Selena’s Sweet 16 birthday party, when the then-sophomore was flipping through photos and realizing just how much she weighed.
“Once I went to high school, it’s all this different food; we had wraps and fries and everything,” Selena said. “My body weighed so much.”
Selena had struggled with weight before, during her elementary school years, but it had never been quite so bad. At 5 feet, 2 inches tall, she weighed 175 pounds and felt unhealthy and unhappy.
She decided it was time for a change.
“It’s not that I was lazy or anything, it’s that I didn’t know how to lose the weight,” Selena said. “You know everyone says, ‘just exercise and cut out this and cut out that,’ but to me personally it’s what you eat.”
Selena asked her parents if she could try Diet-to-Go. They agreed and, at 16, she started on the plan. Two months later, Selena shed 25 pounds.*
“I got the idea of the portions and the protein and certain things to eat,” Selena said. “It helped me with knowing what to eat.”
About six months later, Selena lost a total of 55 pounds and weighed 120.*
“I feel like my teachers noticed. My junior year, I had physical education, we had gym, and I felt like I wasn’t so worried about my body and I could do more things in class,” she said. “My friends noticed. My family noticed.”
Selena managed to keep the weight off through high school, but when she graduated and started nursing school, it slowly crept back up.
“I gained 10-15 pounds back. I think it’s because we have long hours in class...everyone around you in class sits and eats all day to stay awake, and that’s what happened to me,” she said.
Selena, now 19, said she needed a kickstart to shed the weight again, and turned back to Diet-to-Go. Within three weeks, she lost almost 10 pounds again.*
“I think that’s why at first I was really dedicated, and me being so young it worked. But now I’m like, ‘oh wow, this is like 10 times harder than I remember it being,’” she said.
But, she added, Diet-to-Go meals made it easy for her to control her portion size and eat right, even as a busy college student.
“I feel like when I diet, I try healthy meals on Pinterest, like a healthy pizza or something that’s usually fattening to make it healthier, but mostly when I eat healthy on my own it’s kind of bland,” she said. “That’s why I like Diet-to-Go, because it’s more flavor and it’s healthy but you wouldn’t think it was.”
Selena now weighs 130, and says she plans to keep the weight off by eating healthy and using Diet-to-Go.*
She also wants to start exercising.
“I definitely do want to start working out because I feel like that would help, especially if I splurge once in awhile,” she said.
But even without that, she added, she says she’ll be able to maintain her weight just by eating right.
* Weight loss results may vary. Results not guaranteed.
Author: Caitlin H
Diet-to-Go Community Manager
Caitlin is the Diet-to-Go community manager and an avid runner. She is passionate about engaging with others online and maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle. She believes moderation is key, and people will have the most weight loss success if they engage in common-sense healthy eating and fitness.