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  1. Get Your Free Copy of Dr. Aaron Tabor's "Fight Breast Cancer Now"

    EDITOR'S NOTE: To coincide with Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Dr. Aaron Tabor is giving away free copies of his book, Fight Now: Eat & Live Proactively Against Breast Cancer. To get your free copy, click here now.

    Tragically, over 40,000 women will die with breast cancer this year in America.

    Current anti-breast cancer medical efforts are aimed at critical early detection with mammograms. Early detection allows doctors to treat the cancer while it is still small and confined to the breasts.

    However, new medical research confirms that women can eat and live proactively to prevent breast cancer before it strikes.

    Aaron Tabor, M.D. has written Fight Now: Eat & Live Proactively Against Breast Cancer for women who want to reduce breast cancer risk, or risk of cancer recurrence, with proper eating and lifestyle choices.

    "New medical research documents that many controllable choices can decrease risk of breast cancer," Dr. Tabor says.

    "Women don't have to wait around to simply become another random breast cancer victim. Whether you are currently a breast cancer patient, a survivor, or at high-risk for breast cancer, you can choose to fight now using the latest eating and lifestyle research.

    "Prevention is the best cure."

    Dr. Tabor has pinpointed 10 food items to fight breast cancer. The list includes carrots, apples and green tea.

    "Carrots and other foods rich in beta-carotene may lower your breast cancer risk by up to 221%, and lower the risk of invasive cancer," Dr. Tabor says.

    "A natural substance in raw carrots named 'falcarinol' can slow the growth of cancer cells. Falcarinol is inactivated by heat or cooking, so it is critical to eat raw carrots, too.

    "A few apples a day may truly keep the breast cancer surgeon away. Six medical studies, published in the past year by Cornell researchers, report that apple extracts can prevent breast cancer by multiple mechanisms.

    "Specifically, the studies show that natural substances found in apples decrease the number of tumors, size of tumors, and tumor growth rates in animal models. The more apple extract the animals were fed, the greater the reduction in cancer.

    "Remarkably, the researchers found that the most deadly 'adenocarcinoma' form of breast cancer was found in 81% of animals not fed the apple extract, but in only 23% of the animals fed the highest dose of the apple extract. The same researchers found new substances in apple skins that also have anti-cancer activities.

    "Green tea consumption may reduce your breast cancer risk by over 50%. Green tea is rich in potent 'polyphenol' antioxidants that protect your DNA from damage and shortening, reduce inflammation, reduce estrogen, and reduce breast tissue density. The recommended amount to consume is 2 to 4 cups per day, or you can take a green tea supplement."

    Dr. Tabor's eye-opening book also contains a full listing of even more powerful foods to enjoy or to eliminate to lower risk. High consumption of one particular group of foods may increase risk of breast cancer by up to 253%.

    Developed during the past several years with new medical research reviewed from leading hospitals around the world, FIGHT NOW helps readers take immediate action to start lowering breast cancer risk with:

    • The top 10 foods that may reduce risk of breast cancer

    • A simple anti-breast cancer vitamin lab test to reduce risk by up to 70%

    • The foods to eliminate that may be increasing risk by up to 253%

    • A juicy fruit bursting with antioxidants that could lower risk by up to 94% (in animal studies)

    • An easy, clinically tested way to lose weight and belly fat, while reducing hunger, that could lower risk by up to 185%

    • A healthy oil that could lower risk by up to 94%

    • A simple lifestyle change that could lower risk of recurrence and risk of dying from breast cancer by up to 50%

    • Common breast cancer "myths" exposed including answers on cosmetics, breast implants, tight-fitting bras, and coffee in relation to breast cancer risk

    "During the past 100 years, doctors have focused primarily on drugs, surgery, and medical tests to fight disease," Dr. Tabor says.

    "This has undoubtedly extended the average life span. In fact, modern medicine has nearly doubled the average lifespan since the early 1900's.

    "We should have also included vigorous research into the power of foods and plants to prevent and cure disease. The purpose of my medical research is to empower women to become proactive against breast cancer now with specific food and lifestyle choices.

    "A woman's only alternative is to be reactive after a breast cancer diagnosis, or breast cancer recurrence. The choice is clear. We can change our future."

    Women interested in reducing breast cancer risk can get Dr. Tabor's FIGHT NOW e-book for free at

    Aaron Tabor, M.D. is the author of FIGHT NOW: Eat & Live Proactively Against Breast Cancer. After graduating from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Dr. Tabor devoted his career to helping people live a life they love through medical research. Over 1 million women have already trusted Dr. Tabor for nutrition and health education. His prevention through nutrition research projects with leading hospitals include cancer, weight loss, younger-looking skin, hair, and nails, glycemic-index, cholesterol, pain and hormonal health.

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