Every week, we're bringing you the best - the most interesting, exciting and informative news, articles, studies and blog postings from the week before. Whether you would rather listen to all the general information about happenings around the country, partake in some celebrity gossip, expand you knowledge about scientific research in health and fitness, or connect with another person on a similar journey towards leading a wholesome life, we've got you covered.
We scour the web for the choicest material and consolidate it all in one place so you don't have to. Enjoy!
“Lawyer Chesley disbarred over ethics in U.S. diet drug settlement”
via: Thomson Reuters
By: Karen Freifeld
World-class attorney Stanley Chesley’s license to practice law has been revoked after a Kentucky Supreme Court found him guilty of ethical violations in connection with a $200 million lawsuit over the diet drug fen-phen.
“Schwarzenegger mourns Joe Weider as ‘godfather of fitness,’ mentor”
Bodybuilding, fitness and muscle sculpting all go hand-in-hand with the famous Joe Weider, the man who built one of the original empires surround men’s fitness. Weider, who passed away last Saturday, created many famous fitness-related movie and publications and even served as a mentor to former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.
“U.S. Military diet changes boost nutrition”
via: UPI.com
It’s not just the American population gaining in obesity stats. The U.S. military is also struggling with the epidemic, with 13 percent of military members coming in as obese. That’s why the military is trying to tackle the problem head-on by providing more fruit, vegetables and whole-grain foods. Hopefully all the push-ups will do some good too.
“Restaurant Meals for Kids Fail Nutrition Test, Consumer Group”
via: Reuters
By: Diane Bartz
Many of your favorite restaurants may be making the shift towards offering healthier options for kids, but that does not mean they are there yet. A consumer group found that most “healthy” kids meals are still way too high in calories, fat and sodium, and way too low in nutrients that come from fruits and veggies.
“Access to Nutrition Index Calls on Businesses to Improve Their Nutrition Practices”
via: Huffington Post
By: Marc Van Ameringen
When you and your family go out to your favorite restaurant Friday night, it’s highly likely you’ll be ingesting a host of fatty oils, sodium and other foods that are extremely bad for your body. The launch of the Access to Nutrition Index (ATNI) seeks to provide people with more information about the foods they’re eating, as well as bring attention to the questionable norms in the food industry. The greatest hope? To facilitate a conversation around reforming nutrition practices and help consumers be more informed.
“Alarming New Report Ranks Food & Beverage Companies on Nutrition Efforts”
via: Triple Pundit
By: Raz Godelnik
It’s been out there for a while - the truth that many prominent food and beverage companies (Pepsi, Hershey & Coca-Cola to name a few) not only produce foods that are extremely hazardous for people’s health, but even purposefully addict consumers to their products. A new report via the just-launched Access to Nutrition Index ranks these and other offenders based on their nutritional value. Check this out to find out which ones are the worst offenders.
“McDonald’s Director of Nutrition Says Its Food Is Healthy”
via: The Salt Lake Tribune
By: Heather May
It’s not enough that the fast food giant is on almost every street corner, successfully addicting people to high-fat, high-sodium foods for decades (and making billions and billions in the process). Now the chain’s “director of nutrition” (does anyone else find that name ironic?) claims that his food is actually healthy. Read more here.
“USDA’s SuperTracker Diet Tool Reaches Two Million Users”
via: United States Department of Agriculture
By: Kevin Concannon
The USDA claims it is really working to make a dent in the obesity epidemic. Through tools such as MyPlate, where users can see how their dinner plates stack up against recommendations, and the new SuperTracker, which gives people the ability to track their calories and nutrition intake (MyFitnessPal and other Smart Phone apps also provide similar services), the USDA says its working hard to promote healthy living. The only problem, Cheetos just came out with a new “All Natural” brand of Puffs … consumers can still get the wrong idea.
“Consumer Reports puts restaurant nutrition claims to the test”
via: Life Inc.
By: Herb Weisbaum
Secret shoppers from Consumer Reports went out to put nutritional claims from 17 popular restaurants (such as Olive Garden, Denny’s and Wendy’s) to the test. Luckily, most restaurants’ nutritional claims were fairly accurate, but a few outliers definitely have cause for concern. For example, Olive Garden’s Lasagna Primavera is listed as having 420 calories and 15 grams of fat, but was found to have up to 585 calories and 25-32 grams of fat. That’s a pretty huge disparity. Denny’s nutritional information was also significantly off in several places. Check out the link below for the rest of the 411 on the restaurant foods you’re eating.
“20 Ways to Spring Clean Your Fitness Routine”
via: Shape Magazine
Looking to branch out this spring and do something a little different when it comes to your fitness routine? Then check out this awesome list of the ways you can revamp your healthy lifestyle - things you probably never thought of before. For example, book a physical to see where your body is at, buy new running shoes, even team up with a friend for motivation. Click the link for more creative, helpful tips!
“Healthy Snack Tips: Avoid Mistakes We All Make When We Nibble”
via: Huffington Post
We’ve all heard it over and over again, be cautious of snacking, especially on processed foods high in sodium and sugar. But what you may not have thought of are these tips - including things like confusing the word “snack” versus “treat” and not being mindful of what you’re eating.
“Easter Egg Lunch - Exploring and Eating with Easter Eggs”
via: Crazy About My Bay Bah
By: Lauren McGreal
Easter is a fun holiday, filled with excitement as the kids get to hunt down Easter eggs, dye them and have a good time. The only slight problem is that Easter also comes with a ton of candy and sugar. While letting your little ones divulge on occasion is never a bad thing, we always love when we find a blog post that shows some great alternatives. That’s why Lauren’s post on how she taught her little one about healthy foods with a fun Easter theme is so great. Take a look for ideas you can use with your own kiddos.
“FitBit Zip Review”
via: Monica Wants It
By: Monica Benevidez
If you check in on social media at all, it’s very likely that you’ve at least heard of the FitBit, a small device that tracks your calories and fitness habits and puts a personal trainer right into your pocket. But how do they really work? Monica’s honest review of her experience with the FitBit Zip will give you a great idea if buying one of these handy little devices is right for you.
“Nutrients decline in garden crops over past 50 years”
Journal of the American College of Nutrition
University of Texas at Austin biochemist Donald Davis found that the nutrient value of crops has drastically decreased over the past few decades as companies of biochemically engineered crops to feed more while sparing crop expansion. What does that mean? In a nutshell, the foods we eat are not only starved for nutrients after being processed, but contain even less nutritional value in their rawest forms.
“Soy diet improves lung cancer survival odds in women”
The Journal of Clinical Oncology
via: The Tennessean
Apparently incorporating soy into your diet has more health benefits than previously thought. Women diagnosed with lung cancer who eat more soy may live longer, according to a study done by researchers at the University of Vanderbilt. Interesting that sometimes the natural world can be just as good medicine as the science world.
“More intense exercise can produce greater weight loss”
Medicine and Science in Sports Exercise
via: Stamford Advocate
Researchers studied walkers versus runners to determine that runners are more likely to lose weight because their exercise is more intense, although both groups studied lost weight.
“Workplaces can be good weight loss sites”
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
via: LA Times
Researchers have found that weight-loss programs at work, also referred to as corporate wellness programs, are a great way to shave off the pounds because the social group-dynamic assists in a community support system.
“Diet high in fibre can cut stroke risk”
Stroke Journal
via: UK Guardian
Scientists from Leed University have found that people who consume foods rich in fibre may be less likely to die from a stroke. More specifically, for every 7 grams of dietary fibre consumed, a person’s risk can be cut by 7 percent. Pretty good.
“Bacteria (Microbes) in Stomach Linked to Weight Loss”
Science Translational Medicine
via: The Scientist
Researchers have found that changes to the microbial makeup of our intestines could be a key factor in determining whether we lose or gain weight. Apparently, tweaking these microbes might be the weight loss treatment alternative of the future and allow severely obese people to shrink their stomach without having to undergo bypass surgery.
Author: Caitlin H
Diet-to-Go Community Manager
Caitlin is a journalist by trade and an avid runner. She is passionate about maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle and encouraging people to engage in common-sense eating. Caitlin believes in living a well-rounded life, to include balancing time with family, friends, fitness and food.
Follow Caitlin on Twitter @CaitlinHendee