Which helps you lose weight faster: portion-controlled foods, or tips from around the web? The answer, plus other top articles, features, blogs and studies from the past week.
We scour the web and round it all up in a neat little package so you don't have to.
Packaged diet foods may spur more weight loss
International Journal of Obesity
via: Reuters Health
A new study indicates that people who people who stuck to a diet of portion-controlled foods were twice as likely to lose weight as those who just took advice to trim the calories. Sometimes, its just easier for people to stick with a well-rounded diet when the calorie-measuring is done for them. Read more →
Paleo Diet Echoes Physical Culture Movement of Yesteryear
By: Eliza Barclay
Paleo dieting has been a growing movement - but many dismiss it as a fad diet. But is it really? Paleo is all about eating healthier - no more dairy, grains or processed foods - with an emphasis on protein, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. This is not the first time people have started a movement towards eating like our ancestors. In fact, quotes pulled from old history books dated hundreds of years back support eating more wholesome food. Read more →
American adults get 13 percent of their daily calories from added sugar
Latinos Post
By Erik Derr
After a study was released last week indicating that Americans as a whole get a whopping 13 percent of their daily calories from added sugar (and many eat a lot more than that), the problem with American diets is yet again in the spotlight. Read more →
The majority of adults ignore fitness recommendations
By: Harold Mandel
After the Department of Health and Human Services issued the first-ever guidelines and recommendations for physical fitness back in 2008 (about 30 minutes daily), it’s interesting to see if most adults are abiding by those guidelines. Nope. Only about 20 percent of adults are getting their daily recommendation of workouts in. Read more →
Wendy Williams wows with her slim figure
USA Today
The long-time talk show host has dropped quite an impressive bit of weight - like 20 pounds impressive. How did she do it? After committing to making eating changes last May on her show, she started to use healthy alternatives (like red wine vinegar instead of salad dressing), and lo-and-behold, the pounds started melting off. Read more →
Mediterranean diet being offered in baby food form
CBC News
It’s been growing in popularity ever since the study was released: the so-called “Mediterranean Diet” involves eating lots of olive oil, lean protein, fruits, veggies and seeds. Now, a Windsor, Canada woman has made it into a thing for babies too. Her website, BitesforBabies.com, seels baby food that uses ingredients from the diet. Her mission? To give kids a healthy start in life. Read more →
10 Health Tips for Lazy People
So you don’t want to give up your favorite evening shows for a walk around the neighborhood? Or perhaps the thought of running on a treadmill repulses you. Whatever your “lazy” attitude is, you can overcome it with one of these 10 tips, from exercising while you watch TV to hitting the dance floor, it’s possible to get fit. Read more →
5 Must-Watch Fitness Trends for the Summer
By: David Tao
Great blog post about the top 5 fitness trends to watch this summer. As David points out, the instant nature of the Internet and the “140-character-or-less” culture is changing the way we workout forever, as fitness routines maintain a constant state of competition with one another. Read more →
Bizarre Ways to Eat Less
Times of India
By: Kasmin Fernandes
Trying to find a diet that’s right for you can be extremely difficult. But since when does it get downright weird? From eating with kiddie cutlery to scarfing down jars of baby food, some people will do almost anything to lose weight. Lady Gaga , for example, eats baby food to ensure that her stomach is full while her waistline is slim. Reese Witherspoon and Jennifer Aniston also snack on baby food to lose weight. Read more →
Runner Problem Solved!
Mindy’s Fitness Journey
Mindy Artze
If you are a runner, or even just like to hit the gym on occasion, then you may have found it frustrating to try and keep your iPod attached firmly to your body. Moving it around can be quite a pain-in-the-neck, which is why you should check out Mindy’s blog about the new HB Tune band. Read more →
Early Riser Problems and Another Fun Friday Five
Adventures in Weight Loss, Cooking & Life
Arlene Hittle
Check out Arlene’s fun, down-to-earth post about a fun Friday morning change-up she did and her “Friday Five,” where she creates interesting lists about topics like the last 5 apps she downloaded, 5 things she’s looking forward to and more. Read more →
How diet can effect your sleep
via: The National (Australia)
For the first time ever, researchers have linked how nutrition can affect sleeping patterns. According to the study (completed by the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania) indicates that people who eat a wide variety of foods have the healthiest sleep patterns. Read more →
Even Health-Conscious Consumers Find it Hard to Maintain a Healthy Diet
Journal of Marketing
via: Seattle Pi
A recent study from the Alberta School of Business found that even people who know that they should be buying and eating healthier foods find it extremely difficult to actually put a plan into action. Why? Not only do people find it nearly impossible to change their eating habits, but the price of food also plays a huge role in determining what they purchase at the supermarket (and unfortunately, cheap foods are usually processed). Another issue is the “health-halo effect.” Read more →
High-Protein, Low-Carb Diet Linked to Higher Pregnancy Rate
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
via: Huffington Post
A new study claims that women who eat a diet high in protein and lower in carbs have higher fertility rates than those who don’t. This is especially prominent in women who undergo in vitro fertilization. Read more →
Packaged diet foods may spur more weight loss
International Journal of Obesity
via: Reuters Health
A new study indicates that people who people who stuck to a diet of portion-controlled foods were twice as likely to lose weight as those who just took advice to trim the calories. Sometimes, its just easier for people to stick with a well-rounded diet when the calorie-measuring is done for them. Read more →
Fast food still unhealthy despite attempts
The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
via: Health24
A new study indicates that despite many prominent fast food chain’s attempt to make their food healthier in the eyes of the public, the meals still fall far short of meeting adequate and healthy nutrition guidelines. Menus still score poorly (although there was a modest improvement over the last 14 years). Read more →
Author: Caitlin H
Diet-to-Go Community Manager
Caitlin is a journalist by trade and an avid runner. She is passionate about maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle and encouraging people to engage in common-sense eating. Caitlin believes in living a well-rounded life, to include balancing time with family, friends, fitness and food.