I just finished my Monte Cristo breakfast and, like almost 100% of the Diet-to-Go meals I receive on my low-fat plan, it was not only delicious but also very filling.
Maybe it's because I have followed the program about 6 times in the past 10 years -- or that I've lost 20-30 pounds each time I've followed it -- but I know this food is perfectly portioned and will lead to weight loss when your meal plan is followed properly.
Diet-to-Go hasn't suddenly changed all its recipes or scrapped its philosophy of serving good food that's also good for you. Nope... it's business as usual -- and I am thankful for that!
I am sooooo looking forward to my Wahoo fish burger for lunch. I will take time to toast the bun just right, then I will microwave the fish patty itself and slather on the tartar sauce for a scrumptious meal.
In case you missed my recent newsletter feature on the top 10 low-fat foods I love, please click here now. I actually discuss 21 wonderful meals -- yes, that is how much I love this food!
Please let me know your thoughts about our savory meals. Meanwhile, here is the beginning of my recent feature.
My Top 10 Low-Fat Meals
I have been eating Diet-to-Go food on and off for more than 10 years now. The Balance meal plan has become my delicious diet of choice - and it never fails to help me lose weight while I eat great.
I also love the Carb30 Meal plan with its wide variety of meat-centered dishes. I am sure I'd love the Vegetarian Low-Fat meal plan as well, but I have yet to convince myself I can go meat-free for any length of time!
My latest low-fat diet has helped me lose 17 pounds in just four weeks. You just can't beat that kind of success.
So let's talk food. The Diet-to-Go meals are DELICIOUS! In fact, when I sat down to write about my top 10 favorite meals, I found I had grabbed 21 favorites from the five full weeks of menus...
Click here for the rest of the feature and 21 capsule reviews.
Author: John McGran