How many of you like free food, giveaways, fun entertainment, cooking demos and even a little fitness routine here and there? Hands?
Ok, so we can’t see your hands right now … but we would still love to see your face at the NBC 4 Health & Fitness Expo in Washington D.C. on March 16-17. The exciting happening will take place all day Saturday and Sunday, from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center – and we are thrilled to be a part of such an important event.
We love the idea of handing out samples of our delicious food and talking about the company, but our mission at the Expo goes further than that. We want to spread a message that we believe cuts through all the clutter about what you can do to change your life, get healthy and be happier.
If you’ve ever tried to lose weight or exercise, you know that there are a lot of too-good-to-be-true promises, crazy – sometimes dangerous – fad diets and overly rigid programs to choose from. But how many of us really believe that you can sprinkle pixie dust on food and have it fill you up faster, or pop a handful of pills and watch the weight magically fall off? Or how about eat only locally sourced, natural organic fruits and veggies all the time? – a habit that can get quite expensive. How many of those programs can the average person stick with for the long haul?
The truth is for many of us, it’s just not possible, especially when you factor in kids, work, household duties and everything else going on in life.
That’s why we want to advocate for the middle ground, a common-sense healthy approach to change where food still tastes great, is affordable, and most importantly, can be maintained long-term. Small choices, such as parking your car further away from the entrance or playing with the kids for 30 minutes a day, can change your mindset and make a real difference.
Diet-to-Go’s mission is to actively promote this message at the NBC4 Health & Fitness Expo. We invite anyone and everyone to join us at the event. In addition, we have an exciting lineup of influential health and fitness professionals to join us. Check out our list below.
If you’re sitting there reading this thinking to yourself, “Wow, that sounds sweet! I want to go,” but don’t live anywhere near D.C., well don’t worry! You can still participate and enter for a chance to win cool giveaways (like a $100 Amazon gift card or a week of free meals) by participating in our live, two-day Tweetathon, which you can find details on by clicking here.
Heard enough yet? Good. Then check out below for event and guest details. We’re super psyched to see you there…or online…or wherever.
What: NBC4 Health & Fitness Expo
When: Saturday, March 16 & Sunday, March 17
Where: Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington D.C.
Why: Because it’s free! Kidding – to learn about common-sense, practical changes you can make to lead a healthy life
Cost of Attendance: Admission is free!
• Websites: chefallisosna.com and microgreensproject.org
• Twitter: @ChefAlliSosna
• Facebook: facebook.com/allison.sosna
Chef Alli doesn’t like to sit still. She believes in bringing healthy cooking to every person, no matter who they are or what their struggles are in life. Alli advocates for affordable, sustainable healthy choices that are realistic for the average American to maintain.
Chef Alli is the founder of MicroGreens, an innovative program that works with schools and non-profit organizations to educate children and low-income families about how to make healthy choices based on a government-supplemented food budget.
• Website: expertnutrition.net
• Twitter: @rebeccaRD
Rebecca is a registered dietician and a certified personal trainer. She has worked with college athletes, people struggling with weight management and even people battling eating disorders. Rebecca also serves as the dietician consultant for Diet-to-Go.
Rebecca seeks to help people get healthy by applying practical strategies in their lives through manageable nutrition and fitness.
Blog: Wicked Healthy Washingtonian
• Twitter: @wickedhealthydc
Allison currently lives in Washington DC, but was born and raised on the South Shore of Massachusetts.
On her blog, Allison discusses her life and how she balances work, eating right, exercising, friends, family and everything in between. She uses her blog as a platform to show how small changes can lead to big benefits, both physically and mentally. Allison believes living in a healthy way doesn't need to be hard, crazy or obsessive. The small changes she advocates have helped her to lose 80 pounds.
Blog: Super Sana
• Twitter: @SuperSana
Sana Waheed is 23 years old and an active lifestyle blogger residing in Columbia, Maryland. Her blog documents her passion for health and fitness as she maintains an active life while recovering from a spinal injury.
Sana doesn’t believe nutrition or fitness should be taken to the extremes, but rather be part of a fun, healthy active lifestyle. She stands firmly behind her motto “be your own superhero” and tries to apply it to all aspects of her life, and she thinks you should too!
Blog: Carly Bananas
• Twitter: @CarlyRachael
• Facebook: facebook.com/carlybananas
Carly started running in her late twenties after a lifetime of being sedentary, and it’s become her favorite hobby (unless sushi eating counts as a hobby … then running is her second favorite). Carly’s motivation to start exercising was constantly seeing people running, biking and walking near her home in the Washington DC area.
Carly encourages other fitness newbies and those looking to lose weight to start slow! Walking is a great way to start and it's something you can build on as your fitness improves - the saying "walk before you can run" exists for a reason!
Blog: Coffee Cake and Cardio
• Twitter: @CoffeeCkeCardio
• Facebook: facebook.com/CoffeeCakeCardio
• Pinterest: pinterest.com/coffeeckecardio
• Instagram: instagram.com/coffeecakeandcardio
Ashley Rozendaal’s blog, Coffee Cake and Cardio, is a weight loss blog that shares her journey to reach a healthy weight and to live a happy and healthy life.
Ashley was a collegiate Division I discus and hammer thrower. After college, Ashley lost 54 pounds by eating healthy and running.
Still on a quest to reach her goal weight, Ashley shares her story daily through Coffee Cake and Cardio. Whether it is sharing healthy recipes, new workouts, travels, or confessions about the struggles of weight loss, Ashley helps readers to know that they are not alone.
Author: Caitlin H
Diet-to-Go Community Manager
Caitlin is a journalist by trade and an avid runner. She is passionate about maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle and encouraging people to engage in common-sense eating. Caitlin believes a well-rounded life is all about balancing fitness with nutrition that incorporates all aspects of food and proper portion-sizes.
Follow Caitlin on Twitter @CaitlinHendee.