The key to lasting success with weight loss, and sustaining a healthy weight, is to change your relationship with food. You've been building that relationship your whole life, and it will take effort to change it. We're sharing seven ways to help you become more mindful and to create a healthier relationship with food and how you think about eating.
Ever had a day where you feel like your brain just isn’t all there? Maybe even multiple days? Your weight may not only effect how well you feel... but also how well you think! One way to shake off that sluggish feeling, both body and mind, may be to work at shedding some of those unwanted pounds.
Diabetes may not be something you think about on a regular basis, but experts say eating more of these 3 food groups may help keep blood sugar levels in check and ward off disease!
The Mediterranean Diet uses wholesome, fresh ingredients like vegetables, whole-grain pasta and bread and healthy fats, as well as herbs and spices to create satisfying, delicious meals that can help lead to a longer, healthier life. Here are 10 recipes to get your Mediterranean journey started!
In the 1960s, the people of Italy, Greece, Spain, southern France and Portugal seemed to know about something the rest of the world didn’t: that consuming a diet high in healthy fats, Omega-3 fatty acids, fruits, vegetables and nuts could add years to a person’s life. And, it’s just the thing for us to reconnect, rebuild our relationships and find a healthy, happy lifestyle around food as we venture out of staying at home and back to more of the things that matter most.
When Mary's doctor told her that her Type 2 Diabetes could impact her ability to conceive, she searched for every possible advantage to keep her numbers in check. With the Diet-to-Go Balance Diabetes plan not only did Mary lose 66 pounds... she gained so much more!
Sitting in a chair all day, lounging on a couch all evening, and laying in bed all night can be detrimental to your health. Right now you may find it especially difficult to keep your activity levels up to even a light level. We've put together a list of 12 simple ways to avoid inactivity. Let's get active now!
Summer arrives and your mind might head right to barbecue dinners. There is something that makes food cooked on the grill so much more delicious. When you're watching your weight, it can also be a stressful time, as you try to watch what you're eating but not miss out on those yummy foods that are always featured.
We've collected 20 keto-friendly recipes that can help you stick with your guidelines... while also making your mouth water!
We've put together our top 20 of 2020 list. Do you have a favorite blog that features diabetic recipes? If it's not on our top 20 list let us know!
So you’ve chosen to try out this whole thing keto thing, but aren’t really sure where to begin? Since the new year we've been on the look-out for the best keto themed blogs to help you on your keto journey. Check them out and find a new keto recipe (or 20) to try!
When retail manager Ned Hochstein had to put another hole in his belt to keep his pants from falling down, he knew he was well on his way to meeting his goal.
Going keto doesn't mean you can't satisfy your sweet tooth now and again. We rounded up 20 of the best recipes for fruit lovers, chocolate lovers, fudge lovers, cream lovers and everything in between.
What is your favorite keto dessert?
Social distancing and quarantining have been hard on everyone. We sat down with Cathrine to learn about her experience and her creative ways to continue eating healthy, staying fit and taking care of herself mentally.
Routines that were once the norm have all but disappeared - and the boredom makes it all the more tempting to munch down on potato chips all day while sitting around the house. It begs the question, what can you do to make sure you aren’t falling into old traps (or new ones) that will quickly cause the number on the scale to go up?
Here are 7 ways to avoid packing on the pounds while working from home.
Many of us equate weight loss with exerting self-control. If presented with a carrot or cake, those of us with self-control will choose the carrot, right? That choice will, in turn, lead us closer to our weight-loss goal, and we’ll find success, correct? Not so fast. A recent study from researchers at City of London University turns that notion on its head.
Healthcare workers are currently giving their all, so Diet-to-Go and Lifesum are helping them remain healthy and energized by providing free, balanced meals. But, they can't do it without you!
During this time of social distancing, we're all looking for things to do to keep busy. One fun way to pass the time is to whip up some yummy recipes new and old -- but grandma's famous oatmeal cookies might not be the best snacking choice if you're watching your waistline! That’s why we rounded up 10 of our favorite healthy sweet and salty snack recipes to munch on while at home. Go ahead, add a little variety to your week, guilt-free!
Many weight loss plans ask you to meal prep, weigh out portions or restrict yourself to things like salad and fruit. That can be tricky to stick with. Sandra was excited to find out that that isn't what Diet-to-Go is about.
There are many apps that provide guided, daily meditation for beginners. Apps are tailored to fit any lifestyle — from "busy, on-the-go without a-minute to spare," to "stuck at home looking for a diversion (and some relief)," and every situation in between. We rounded up 7 apps to ease anxiety and stress during the coronavirus pandemic.
Without gyms, fitness studios or exercise classes, it can feel even more difficult to make fitness a priority. But here’s the good news: It can — and should — be, and it’s more than possible with the many free at-home fitness videos offered on YouTube. Ease anxiety, stay healthy, even lose weight by consistently blocking out a time in your day to hop on YouTube and do an in-home workout.