EDITOR'S NOTE: Guest blogger Cynthia Parrott is a busy working woman who manages to find the time for fitness, diet and the writing of great advice for health-conscious women.Weight loss and diet! Diet and weight loss! When you are in the company of other women, regardless of where you are or what you're doing, these subjects always come up in conversation and you can discuss them for hours.You are either on a diet, cheating on a diet, discussing how you need to lose weight, or talking about the latest weight-loss craze.Almost every woman you know agonizes over her weight or...
We are a nation that loves to let others do the cooking for us. Unfortunately, putting our trust in the hands of butter-happy chefs whose favorite motto is "thank God it's fry day" is a great way to slip off the diet wagon.According to AllBusiness.com, "Americans currently spend 43% of their food dollar on food prepared away from home, compared to 36% in 1981. And that percentage is considered likely to increase in the future. For better or for worse, patronizing foodservice has become an integral part of contemporary lifestyles."If you've been reading the news lately, you know some of...
As the grand brand guru at eBrandAid.com, Kerry McLeod makes it her business to prevent food and drink makers from giving consumers the business!Kerry knows that all food products show nutrition information but it sometimes takes a science degree to decipher what the numbers mean to your diet.But what really crumbles Kerry's cookies are the label claims that compel us to make impulse buys. You've seen the bold, colorful words that sound so enticing: Natural! Fortified! Reduced Fat!These foods can't be bad for us can they? Um... YES!Sure, manufacturers aren't actually lying. But they are using words to mislead us....
So you've started down the path to better health and weight. You have the best of intentions. You're cruising along and eating great food, getting lots of exercise, and totally enjoying how it makes you feel more energetic...And then... BAM! You find yourself at a catered office party featuring buckets of chicken wings and tubs of potato salad.This, my friends, is just one of the unavoidable road bumps that stand between you and your healthy destination.Luckily, we can spot the road bumps ahead of time and have a plan of action for avoiding them.The 5 Road Bumps1) Office foodYou and...
EDITOR'S NOTE: The following was written by Dr. Patrick Havey of The Health & Wellness Institute. It is his unique take on what health care really means -- and why our system is so messed up.Health care has been a very heavily debated subject for many years.The subject in Washington has been how to help those who have not been able to get insurance coverage that enables them doctor visits, medicines, surgeries or other treatments that may be needed.In a country where our health care technologies lead the world, many people make the conclusion that it is almost criminal not...
When I meet with a client for the first time my job is find their motivation. So I always ask, "What drives you?" I can tell you absolutely that no two people are driven exactly the same.The factors that trigger our desire for wellness are as individual as our fingerprints.Is it health, vanity, our children, our spouse? A bet perhaps... or peer pressure to conform. Some of us are searching for the Fountain of Youth or we have a desire to fit into our skinny jeans again. Maybe it's the glitzy magazines and TV shows that serve up...
Special for DiettoGo.comby Susan Burke March, MS, RD, LD/N, CDEAuthor of Making Weight Control Second NatureAre you looking for love in all the wrong places? If it's food for love and sexual desire, your corner Italian bistro is your best bet. Select these foods, some red wine, definitely some soft lighting, and perhaps a misty rain and voila... romance is on the menu. An aphrodisiac is a food, drink, drug, scent, or device that can arouse or increase sexual desire, or libido. When looking at the list of foods that have traditionally been considered "foods of love,...
Emotional eating is not always just emotional eating. Sometimes, it is a full-fledged addiction with obvious-and very serious-consequences.Acknowledging this addiction is the first step. Just ask yourself how many people you know who have endangered their health through eating! The fact is, once food is "installed" in an individual's mental computer as a way to deal with problems or stress, it can become so deeply embedded in his or her mind and so important that he or she would literally die to keep it. It is hard to describe the intensity of this addiction because it is so commonplace and...
Expectations often lead to disappointments. This is true of having expectations of other people in our lives. It's also true about having expectations of ourselves.When it comes to dieting people often have unreasonable expectations, and this leads to negative feelings, and the negative feelings lead to overeating.How do you protect yourself from the disappointment of unreasonable expectations?Give your expectations a reality check in four simple steps: 1. Identify Your ExpectationsEveryone has expectations. It's normal to have them but do you know what they are? What do you expect from yourself and from others? What are your expectations of yourself...
Special for Diet-to-Goby Bob Livingstone LCSWwww.boblivingstone.comThere are many articles written in the mainstream press stressing the importance of forgiveness. Forgiveness is one of the steps one takes in order to let go of emotional baggage and pain. It is also a means to release anger, hatred and self-sabotage. Forgiveness is a way to let go of grudges, resentments and thoughts of "getting back" at someone who you firmly believed hurt you.Usually this wound involves the betrayal of a once dear friend who you implicitly trusted. The hurt often comes out of the blue and without warning. This causes...
When is enough enough? I have to ask myself that question because last night I overindulged on a mega portion of turkey, mashed potatoes and stuffing from my favorite local restaurant.My wife and I usually enjoy a sit-down meal at Sally Pursell's Country Inn. But last night we didn't feel like cleaning up for a night out so I made the run for takeout.Each of our styrofoam containers weighed at least 3 pounds. There was enough turkey and sides to feed a small family. Yet I proceded to munch my way through all of my food except a small scoop...
Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks? I was thinking about the phrase "dog days of summer" and like all things it got me thinking about weight loss and what lessons old Rover could teach us.You don't have to roll over or sit up and beg. Here are 12 dieting tips to find your motivation, train your mind, increase your willpower - and to get you best of show at the same time!In my book, Awaken the Diet Within, I dedicate an entire chapter to the benefits of rewarding yourself as you meet the goals that you...
There's no getting around it: we live in super stressful times.Whether we're worried about our job, our finances, our weight, our health or our loved ones, our minds are always racing.I got tired of stressing and turned to an expert for 6 great ways to stop stressing.Meet Ellen Simon, a nationally recognized guru in the field of mind body health.Ellen will help you step back, take a deep breath, and let go of the stress that's strangling your joy for life. 6 Sound Strategies to Stress Less!by Ellen Simon, M.S., M. Ed., LPC Stress happens in your body but...
Rip Esselstyn has saved lives as a firefighter. But now he's saving millions through his groundbreaking Engine 2 Diet -- a delicious vegetarian eating plan and a no-gym-needed fitness routine which has shown indisputable, dramatic results in lowering cholesterol and slashing weight."It's amazing what you can do with nutrition, not drugs or procedures," Rip says. "Your best medicine is at the end of your fork."We're eating too many refined foods and animal foods. Heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's, hypertension... they're different manifestations of the same thing. "We have been culturally duped and brainwashed that we need protein from animal sources. Many...
According to fitness and diet expert Bob Greene, giving in to the cravings triggered by tough times may provide a short-term fix, but it may also lead to guilty feelings and added pounds."When people get depressed, sad or frustrated, they tend to crave foods they think will provide emotional comfort," said Greene. "To feel better in the long run, mentally and physically, they should adopt a healthier lifestyle and incorporate a variety of nutritious foods and exercise."Rather than binge on bad foods, chew on some of Greene's great advice and enjoy a yummy recipe for Margherita Pizza on Sourdough Crispbread....
How many times have you been driving in a hurry to get to a particular destination only to find that the road was blocked, detours were set up and your familiar and quick route was impassable? Frustrating, isn't it? Weight loss can be much the same way. We start on a diet - usually it's the latest trendy plan. We're armed with good intentions and plenty of desire as we head of down this all too familiar path. And then suddenly... a roadblock! Maybe someone brings donuts to work, you forgot your healthy lunch at home or worse, you had a...
As I was doing my taxes, I got to thinking about weight loss. I know what youre thinking Get a life, Julia! But if youre looking for weight loss inspiration virtually everything in life offers a new insight. When doing our taxes we look for every possible truthful and honest deduction that applies to our situation. Apply the same diligence to your weight loss efforts and Im confident that the scale will be issuing many refunds. So, lets take a look at the latest craze in dieting, the calorie-deducting Tax Man Diet! Your balance sheet shows you weigh 250 pounds...
A New Year has begun with all that "new" suggests. Perhaps you envision new work endeavors, stronger family ties, and convictions to be more involved with community. Many resolve to become a healthier person. Whatever your goals, I suggest you take small bites. Small bites are sustainable. The mistake many make is to set unrealistic goals like "never again will I eat ice cream!" This rarely works, as most people cannot sustain being in a depravation mode for long. Let's concentrate on making small positive changes for our personal health, our family's health, our community's health and our planet's health....
Do you live with an overweight partner? Nearly two-thirds of Americans do, and it can be challenging on several levels. You want to try and change him or her -- especially because excess weight puts your loved one at risk for heart disease, diabetes, or stroke. But I've found from personal experience that nagging and criticizing don't work. It's more effective to let your partner know that you love and support him or her, and that you hope for a long, healthy, adventure-filled life together. Here are eight secrets to help an overweight partner adopt a healthier...