Now that Thanksgiving is over, it’s officially the holiday season. And you know what that means…it’s inevitable, there’s no way around, of course you’re going to gain weight over the holidays. Wrong. It’s not a done deal. There are ways to avoid holiday weight gain. With some preparation and conscientious effort, you can buck the trend and not gain weight this holiday season.
It started off innocently enough: just a small taste of some leftover Halloween candy. And then a co-worker brought in some cookies and you had a sampling, and then there’s that party next week…
How can you stay dedicated to your diet through the holidays?
You knew it was coming. It starts with the pumpkins, some hay bales, and then before you know it…it’s everywhere. Candy. Giant bags of candy everywhere you turn. And it’s all at irresistible prices. I mean, who can pass up a 5-pound bag of candy corn for only $1.50? The allure is overpowering. It’s almost Halloween and Halloween Candy is upon us, and that’s just plain scary when it comes to our diet. But it doesn’t have to be that way. This year you can...
Fall is such a fantastic time of the year. Sure, summer’s gone and with it’s abundance of fresh fruit, summer vacations and long, warm days. But just because it gets dark earlier and the temperatures are starting to drop, that’s no reason to hibernate. There are so many wonderful things about this time of year, you won’t be able to help but fall in love with Fall!
If you've been trying to lose weight or even just eat more healthfully, nothing can be more frightening than a party invitation: tons of food and drinks with plenty of opportunities to overindulge. And Labor Day is all about parties: pool parties, neighborhood parties, parties at the park, it's hard to escape this end of summer tradition. But with a little pre-planning...
A fourth of July party is the very essence of summer. To many of us it's not just about celebrating our great nation and proudly displaying your red, white and blue but it's also about spending time with family and friends, being outdoors and of course seeing the fireworks! Who doesn't enjoy a great fireworks display? Check out these tips to...
Fire up your grill and be ready to feed the masses. This healthy reciepe brings the summer heat with the jalapenos and cools you down with the watermelon: healthy, refreshing and just delicious...
With the holidays around the corner, I'm planning to take time off from work and catch up with friends.In the past, we've gathered around meals, either in one of our homes or at restaurants. But this year, I'm really trying to avoid overeating which is so easy to do, especially when your focus is on socializing and not on the food in front of you.So, I've decided to propose something new to them: That we go on outings that don't revolve around food -- outings where we can enjoy each other's company without increasing the sizes of our company (or...
Total Wellness, short and sweet, is a fit body, balanced mind and peaceful spirit.Sounds impossible right? Well, it's not impossible, but it does take work. Hey, anything worthwhile takes work, right?All it takes is a conscious effort, determination and the ability to see the big picture. Total wellness is not an overnight solution. It is not losing 5 pounds of post-vacation overindulgence.Total wellness is a lifelong pursuit of your best health possible. Sound good? Thought so... so why are you waiting?Just about everyone waits until January 1st to embrace this great revelation of health and fitness. It is with grand...
Thanksgiving is one of the most important meals of the year - it brings family and friends together to break bread and express gratefulness for life's blessings.One little problem with the Thanksgiving feast: It can be hard to please everyone at the table.The good news is that with a wide array of different side dishes, you can provide something that will please everyone. If you're watching your weight, don't stress - your Thanksgiving side dishes can be healthy and still please everyone.Choose from these seven savory sides to make your Thanksgiving feast a healthy and memorable one this year.Sweet PotatoesSweet...
EDITOR'S NOTE: Only one week till ghosties and goblins swarm your neighborhood. With help from FreshBaby.com co-founder Cheryl Tallman, you'll be ready for the onslaught!Halloween is truly a kid's holiday -- good friends, creative costumes, event-filled parties -- all with a cool spooky theme. Who could ask for more? Oh yes, one more thing, the treats -- there's lots and lots of sugary candy treats!With all the fun of this holiday come a parent's worst fears -- too many sugary treats in your kid's possession and the arguments that ensue over this treasured trove.If you don't feel like to contributing...
Special for DiettoGo.comby Linda Miner RNC, CHN, CMTAwww.MyHealthyBalance.comContrary to popular belief, the average person gains only about one pound between Thanksgiving and Christmas. This should not allay the concern over the copious amounts of white sugar, white flour and alcohol people are consuming during this time. "But it's the Holidays!!!" is the excuse, rather the plea, from people who want to indulge.It is important not to feel deprived because this may lead to binging later, but it is possible to be smart about it. Here are 6 tips to help you through the holidays:1. Offer to be the Designated...
You have undoubtedly heard the saying, "A mind is a terrible thing to waste." The fitness equivalent to that statement is one of my favorite quotes by Jane Caminos: "A waist is a terrible thing to mind."That is never truer than during the holiday season.A new study suggests that on average, Americans probably gain about a pound during the winter holiday season. This finding runs contrary to the popular belief that most people gain from 5 to 10 pounds between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day. New study or old, around our house, I guarantee the numbers on the scale...
Dear Dr. Abby, My kids brought home a stash of Halloween candy, which was enough to haunt any parent! What's the best way to deal with this delightfully decadent supply?Candy First and foremost, I hope you shared their excitement about your kids' wonderful accomplishment! Grabbing all that loot required walking and enthusiasm, both of which burned calories. The bigger the pile, the further the mile!Now, educate them about candy.Anything with nuts is actually fairly healthy. Nuts contain good oils, while protein and fat minimize the high glycemic index of sugar.Lollipops and gumdrops are pure sugar, but fairly low in...