They say good things come in threes and nowhere is that more evident than at the Crowley home where three family members have become Diet-to-Go customers and lost a whopping total of 166 pounds between them!
Abby Crowley is down 46 pounds, her husband Ed is 40 pounds trimmer, and their son Jess is now a super-sensational 80 pounds lighter since signing up with Diet-to-Go!
This family of slimmers now swears by the family of Diet-to-Go meal plans and wholeheartedly recommends the food to anyone in need of weight loss.
"For me, Diet-to-Go is a no-brainer," Abby says. "I just eat the delicious, varied, satisfying food Diet-to-Go gives me and I lose weight.
"I love the convenience of being able to take a healthy delicious meal to work for less than the cost of a fast food meal. I have not eaten in a fast food restaurant since I started the plan. I feel no need to do so.
"The Diet-to-Go food is just as convenient, better tasting, and a heck of a lot better for me!"
So what triggered Abby to turn to Diet-to-Go for help with slimming?
"I had been carrying around too much weight for many years," says Abby. " I was miserable but did not see any way to really make a serious attempt in that I am not much of a cook, I don't do the family grocery shopping, and I am very busy.
"About a year ago I went to the doctor and was confronted with the scale that said I was up to 206 pounds. This was more than I could ignore."
That's when Abby, a college professor, remembered a student who brought her Diet-to-Go meals to class.
"I went online and found Diet-to-Go and started April 1, 2009," Abby notes. "As of this morning, I am down 46 pounds!"
Abby says she has taken it slowly by following the Diet-to-Go 5-day-a-week 1,200-calorie Balance meal plan.
"I almost always add a couple of 100-calorie snacks - either in the pre-measured packs or via a piece of fruit or a low-cal freezer snack," she says. "I go to the Curves gym at least 3-4 times a week and that has really motivated me as you weigh and measure monthly there.
"I also got a Wii Fit for last Christmas. That is good for days when the gym is closed or as simply an additional quick workout. When I dine out I just try to replicate the kinds of meals and portion sizes of my Diet-to-Go meals. That has worked well."
Abby is not sure how much more she wants to lose, but she is mulling over shedding an additional 10-20 pounds more. Meanwhile, she is monitoring her BMI and striving to get it down to around 25 or 26.
"I am not looking for the body I had before I had children," she stresses. "I just want to get to a healthy strong place where I can do the things I want to do.
"Last winter I went skiing for the first time in years! I had a wonderful time and I could not have done it without the exercise and weight loss.
"I also have a new granddaughter (shown with Abby and her husband Ed in the photos on this page), and look forward to chasing her around soon."
Abby says she so enjoyed the Diet-to-Go experience she invited her husband and son to join her in receiving the delicious meals.
"Jesse, my 22-year-old son, started just a couple of weeks after me and he has lost 80 pounds on the Carb30 meal plan," Abby says. "He looks like a completely different person!"
Ed Crowley was the third family member to jump on the Diet-to-Go weight loss bandwagon. His meal plan of choice: The Vegetarian Low-Fat. That made it three Crowleys, three different meal plans, and one great result: weight loss.
"Ed has been a vegetarian for years, but never really had a healthy diet," Abby says. "He always focused on the 'bad' carbs that come with foods like eggs and cheese.
"But now, thanks to Diet-to-Go, Ed has discovered whole grains and lentils and beans and so many interesting ways to eat a vegetarian diet. And he has lost 40 pounds.
"The nice thing is that for the first time in years we are eating our meals together as a family."
Abby says a few simple principles have helped her succeed at weight loss.
--She puts her food on a small plate and sits down to eat at a table.
--She takes a moment to appreciate the food before she eats it and she focuses on the act of eating.
--She makes substitutions for the meals she is not entirely fond of and she has her favorite meals as often as possible.
"I get a lot of inquiries about how I lost the weight and I have encouraged a few friends to join Diet-to-Go," she says. "Having friends on the plan, in addition to my family, has given me additional support. I am also very happy to have inspired others.
"Most of my skinny clothes from 15-20 years ago are long gone, but for some reason I saved a little black dress that I really loved and had only worn a few times. Yesterday I got it out of the closet and put it on. It fits perfectly."
Author: John McGran