There are plenty of benefits associated with losing weight. For starters, there's a lowered risk of illness and an increase in energy. But for Lori, who's dropped 36 pounds with Diet-to-Go, the best part of weight loss just may be not having to wear clothes with elastic waistbands anymore.
"Seriously, it great to shop for fashionable clothes and not be limited to what's available in the 'plus-size' stores," Lori says.
Our 55-year-old featured slimmer weighed 220 when she turned to Diet-to-Go for help. She now weighs 184 and is on track to reach her goal weight of 160.
And she says staying the course won't be hard - not even during the stressful year-end holiday season.
"Diet-to-Go food is delicious - I recommend it often to anyone who says they want to lose weight," she says.
"The meal plan is especially good for single people like me. No shopping... lots of variety... no worries about wasting food by cooking for one... and no anxiety about overeating!"
Lori has so far enjoyed Diet-to-Go's Balance and Carb30 plans, but she has her eye on our Vegetarian plan next. She knows switching plans is as easy as going online at www.diettogo.com or by phoning Customer Service at 1-800-743-SLIM (7546).
Lori had previously tried to lose weight with the Scarsdale Diet, the Zone Diet and various online diet plans.
"But they each required a lot of shopping, planning and cooking" she notes. "I enjoy food shopping and cooking once in a while, but not every day, especially when you are shopping for one person."
Before settling on Diet-to-Go, Lori did her research.
"I chose Diet-to-Go because I did not want to be tied to a contract," she says. "Most importantly for me, the food had to be healthy and taste good, and the price had to be right, too. Diet-to-Go meets my needs."
Lori has found that the five-day plan is perfect for her because it is convenient, effective and delicious during the work week. It also allows her to cook for herself or eat out with friends on weekends.
So Lori, what do you like about Diet-to-Go?
"The meals are delicious, healthy, balanced and filling. The menu offers variety over five weeks, so it's not boring. The convenience of having everything shipped to you in perfectly-proportioned packages is great! An eating plan will only be effective if you can stick to it. I've had no problems staying with Diet-to-Go. There's no anxiety over calorie counting or portion size. It's stress free. All I need to do is enjoy it and lose the pounds."
What are your favorite Diet-to-Go meals?
"I did the Balance plan for 10 weeks and the Carb30 plan for four weeks. My favorite low-fat meals are the Portobello Mushroom stuffed with Greek-style eggs and the Red Snapper with polenta. The apple and blueberry pancake breakfasts are great, too. On the Carb30 plan, I especially enjoyed the Baked Chicken with Goat Cheese. I'm not a huge fan of meat, so I am now starting the low-fat vegetarian plan, and I'm looking forward to exploring the Lentil Loaf and Quinoa dishes."
What differences have you enjoyed since dropping 36 pounds?
"I have a lot more energy to do a physical activity after work every day. After taking off the weight, I really started to notice that I didn't get winded or even perspire as much during long dance practice sessions. My heart rate returns to normal more quickly after a rigorous workout, like Zumba class. My feet, knees and ankles don't hurt as much. I definitely am much lighter on my feet, and my Achilles tendons no longer scream at me when I get up in the morning. I feel great!"
What triggered you to get serious about weight loss?
"I started taking ballroom and Latin dance classes last year and saw myself in a few videos taken during dance events. It was an eye-opener, for sure! Even though I felt sluggish and achy from carrying around extra pounds, the real impetus for action was vanity. I hated being confronted by the image of what I'd become. It was clearly time to drop the excess weight."
Any advice for people with a lot of weight to lose?
"Realize that you did not gain the weight overnight, so it's going to take more than a few weeks to take it all off. Break your overall goal down into reasonable, achievable checkpoints. If you have 60 pounds to lose, break it down into three 20-pound mini goals, and reward yourself for reaching those checkpoints. My first goal was to get below 200 pounds (for the first time in three years). My next was to get below 190 pounds. As a reward, I bought some new clothes and gave away my 'fat clothes.'"
Wonderful advice, Lori! We couldn't have said it better ourself. Best of luck dropping those last 24 pounds and enjoying the active lifestyle you're working towards.
Author: John McGran