Diet-to-Go Blog
Archived posts 2010
  1. 10 Healthy Foods That Ain't All That Healthy

    Face it friends… we’re suckers for flashy food labels and cleverly worded marketing claims that lead us into temptation by making us think a food or drink is good for us. Acai berries anyone? You’ve probably seen the deluge of ads for this “amazing… as seen on Oprah… fat fighter… grown in the Amazon rainforest”… blah, blah, blah… Trouble is, according to the food watchdogs at the Center for Science in the Public Interest, "there's no evidence whatsoever to suggest that acai pills will help shed pounds, flatten tummies, cleanse colon, enhance sexual desire, or perform any of the other commonly advertised...

  2. When It Comes to Calories, How Low Should You Go?

    Did you know that a "low-calorie diet" usually includes 1,500 to 1,800 calories a day? Many people mistakenly think they need to follow a diet of 1,000 calories or less to enjoy fast weight loss.The truth of the matter is this: When you cut your calories dramatically, you have far better chance of getting sick than you do of enjoying lasting weight loss. Eating 1,000 calories a day or less is basically a starvation diet... a diet that will spur your body to go into its defensive mode and stop burning fat altogether!I've been monitoring the weight loss world for...

  3. Why I LOVE the Diet-to-Go Meal Plans!

    I just finished my Monte Cristo breakfast and, like almost 100% of the Diet-to-Go meals I receive on my low-fat plan, it was not only delicious but also very filling.Maybe it's because I have followed the program about 6 times in the past 10 years -- or that I've lost 20-30 pounds each time I've followed it -- but I know this food is perfectly portioned and will lead to weight loss when your meal plan is followed properly.Diet-to-Go hasn't suddenly changed all its recipes or scrapped its philosophy of serving good food that's also good for you. Nope... it's...

  4. John's Week 5 Weigh-In: To Know Gain is to Know Pain!

    Well, after four great weeks of weight loss, I not only hit the wall but I plowed right through it and gained back a heartbreaking 1.8 pounds.A week after I proudly proclaimed I'd lost 4 pounds for a four-week total of 17.0 lbs., I stepped back on the scale this morning to see the digital number 217.8 staring back at me!I can sit here and tick off a list of excuses for my weight gain, but the bottom line is I badly swerved from my diet and overdid it from last Friday through last Sunday.Friday night I hosted a backyard...

  5. Study: Dieters Tend to Overlook Vitamins, Minerals

    The Diet-to-Go Low-Fat and Vegetarian meal plans provide a variety of nutritionally rich foods and therefore a variety of the vitamins and minerals your body needs to operate at maximum efficiency.However, a new study shows that women following trendy, fad-like diets that limit certain foods face the risk of not getting enough vitamins and minerals. Researchers from Stanford University in California found major differences in the amounts of vitamins and minerals consumed by dieters."Shifting around the food sources that are good sources of fats versus carbohydrates means more than just changing fat and carbohydrate levels," says chief researcher Christopher Gardner.Here's...

  6. John's Week 4 Update: I Lost Another 4 lbs, Down 17.0 lbs Overall!

    I had a feeling today was gonna be a great day for a weigh-in. I noticed this past week that my clothes were fitting much more loosely and I had so much energy I could actually stay up past 11 p.m. without nodding off while watching TV!And boy was I right. I weighed in this morning at 216.0 pounds. That's four fewer pounds than last Wednesday -- and I am a whopping 17 pounds lighter than when I started this diet four short weeks ago! I honestly love this Diet-to-Go approach to weight loss and healthy living. They do all...

  7. A Dieting Break: How Independence Day Celebrations Came to Be

    Copyright © 1994-2009 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. For more information visit Independence Day, commonly known as July 4th or the Fourth of July, commemorates the Continental Congress' adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. The document, primarily written by Thomas Jefferson, served as a formal announcement that the 13 American colonies were no longer part of the British Empire and would henceforth be free and independent states.Regarded as the birthday of the United States of America, the day is typically celebrated with parades, fireworks, ceremonies, barbecues and family gatherings.The BeginningIndependence Day, commonly known as the Fourth of...

  8. Dealing with Women & Weight: 7 Questions with Humorist Judy Gruen

    Judy Gruen is the author of three award-winning humor books, including The Women's Daily Irony Supplement and Till We Eat Again: Confessions of a Diet Dropout. She's a regular columnist on and The Women's Daily Irony Supplement is available on; her previous books, including Till We Eat Again, are available at Judy sat down with Diet-to-Go editor John McGran for a fun session of "7 questions with..." Get ready to laugh and learn with dieting insights from this very funny lady.Diet-to-Go: So Judy, why are so many women hung up on their body and...

  9. I Lost Another 2.4 lbs & Am Down 13 lbs in 3 Weeks!

    I can't believe three weeks have passed since I began my latest diet. More importantly, I also can't believe that I've had another great week of eating great and losing weight -- or that I am down 2.4 lbs this week and 13.0 lbs overall!Friends, when you follow the Diet-to-Go meal plans like I am, you never feel hungry. I have yet to feel hungry and I am now into my 22nd day of fine dining with the 1,600-calorie per day low-fat traditional plan!If you're looking for a way to kickstart your weight loss or you want to enjoy the...

  10. Fun with Fat: A Few Words About Why We're Overweight

    It's Thursday and I am in a silly mood, so let's do something completely different (sorry Monty Python). Let's make believe FAT is an acronym and we are going to come up with the words behind the letters And we're going to do it in a fun way... not a mean way.There's no prize money involved, but the winner will be able to boast that they have cracked the fat code and won a contest of sorts.So let me get you started with a few possible phrases that can be transformed into the acronym FAT.And just to let you know...

  11. 2 Weeks into My Diet & I'm 10.6 lbs Down!

    When I told my wife I'm losing it, she thought I meant my mental faculties -- and she agreed! Well, maybe so dear... But I'm here today to tell the world I am also losing weight with the Diet-to-Go Balance Meal Plan!As of this morning, I am 10.6 pounds lighter after just two weeks on the program. The dumbbell at right represents the weight I've dropped so far.It gives me such a lift to realize that i simply stopped eating and drinking calorie-rich junk and started eating nutrient-rich good food -- and I lost so much weight by doing...

  12. The Photo That Inspired Me to Diet & Lose 8.2 lbs My First Week!

    I'm back in the saddle again... and I am 8.2 pounds lighter after one week on my Diet-to-Go low-fat meal plan!!!!This diet plan has been such a hit for me on and off for the past decade.And speaking of hits, wanna see the photo that inspired me to get back on track? That's me -- the great pink whale in the center of the image.I coach girls softball (which helps expain the pink shirt). And until I saw this photo I thought I was doing okay weight wise. I didn't think I'd fill that dugout entry way so well!So after...

  13. Need to Lose Weight Fast? Try the 4 Fs for Quick Weight Loss

    Yes, you can lose weight fast. But should you? Well, that's a matter for a future blog. But the reality is we all "need" to drop a few pounds fast from time to time -- especially for major events like weddings, vacations or job interviews.Dr. Paul Rivas, author of the great-named book The Cheater's Diet (HCI), has devised a fast weight loss plan that relies on four key factors: frequent small meals, fluids, fish and fiber.Dr. Rivas urges you to not attempt a fast weight drop for more than a week or two at a time -- and to always...

  14. Starting my diet in earnest at a weight of 233.0

    Okay today is the day I start following my Diet-to-Go plan faithfully.I got on the scale minutes ago -- my starting weight is 233.0. Not as bad as I feared but not good by any measure!!!I will only weigh in on Wednesday mornings so be sure to follow my progress here or on facebook and Twitter.Check out the reasons I am starting to diet again....

  15. Super 7 Tips For Summer Weight Loss!

    The classic song Summertime starts with the lyric, "It's summertime and the living is easy..." After 11 years in the diet business, I think the next line should be, "It's summertime and the thought of dieting makes me queasy..."In the weight loss business, it's known as the summer swoon -- that time of year when we tend to put our weight loss plans in park and zoom instead into a serious stretch of family, friends, fun, food and fat. Maybe this year will be different. After all, don't you hate being overweight when you're heading into the end-of-year months that...

  16. 7 Tips for Better Digestion, More Effective Weight Loss

    Seven has always been considered a lucky number, so how about we make today your lucky days and roll out seven great tips for improving your digestion so you can feel better and diet more effectively?It sounds cliche but small changes like these can lead to big accomplishments.While none of these seven suggestions are difficult to follow, they sure can lead you to a better body and a better life.The Simple 7 Steps to a Better YouChew more!Many health experts believe that if you don't chew your food long enough you put your digestive system under stress. And any kind...

  17. 4 Diet-Friendly Ways to Survive Summer Parties

    If you're like millions of other party-minded Americans, you'll be hitting a number of cookouts this summer.And, as you probably know, backyard barbecues and other food-themed gatherings pose special obstacles to you, the health-minded dieter.So, other than staying home and eating alone with your delicious Diet-to-Go meals, how do you escape dietary damage at a summer party?Start with these four tips 1. Arrive late, leave earlyThe more time you spend around food -- from Uncle Joe's special cheese-stuffed burgers to Aunt Millie's decadent 7-layer chocolate cake -- the more food you're gonna eat. It's simple human nature.Add alcohol to...

  18. Eat to Beat Diabetes... and Start with Yummy Brownies!

    For many people diagnosed with diabetes, the first thought is, "Oh no... I've been sentenced to a life of boring foods!"Not only is that NOT the case, but Dr. Howard M. Shapiro and Chef Franklin Becker are here to show you how you can continue to eat great while you control your diabetes.You can even eat delicious brownies as you'll see from the following exclusive excerpt from the new book Eat & Beat Diabetes with Picture Perfect Weight Loss: The Visual Program to Prevent and Control Diabetes (Harlequin).Get ready to dig in to some yummy recipes and, as you'll see...

  19. Sodium and Your Diet-to-Go Meals

    There's been a lot of talk about sodium lately. In fact, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration is considering stepping in and forcing food makers to cut back on the amount of sodium they add to their products.As the registered dietitian for Diet-to-Go, I am pleased to report that our Balance menu and vegetarian menu continue to meet the recommended guidelines for sodium.By most standards, Americans are urged to limit their daily intake of sodium to 2,400 milligrams - about one teaspoon.On average, you'll get less than 2,400mg of sodium per day with your Diet-to-Go low-fat and vegetarian...

  20. Weight Maintenance: 6 Helpful Tips For Maintaining Your Weight

    Lost weight? Congratulations! Okay so you've done remarkably well with slimming down however please keep in mind that a diet is not something you go "on" and then "off."No, a healthy diet is something you sustain for life.When you stick with a healthy diet, you have far less of a risk of gaining back the weight you lost on your diet.6 ways to keep off weightDo the MathIt is extremely important that you keep an eye on how many calories you eat in a day. Consuming a few hundred extra calories a day will soon add up to a few...

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