Just recently at the Endocrine Society's annual meeting in Washington, D.C., it was declared that vitamin D levels may play a role in weight loss in obese patients.According to the investigators, vitamin D levels predicted subsequent weight loss success in subjects on a weight loss diet."Abdominal fat specifically tended to be related to vitamin D levels with the effect being stronger with the active form of vitamin D", one researcher reported at the meeting.Get the skinny here: http://www.examiner.com/x-12865-Detroit-Healthy-Living-Examiner~y2009m6d14-Vitamin-D-levels-may-play-a-role-in-weight-loss...
A study has shown that when faced with a healthy, low-calorie dish, we instinctively increase the portion on our plate or feel justified in going back for second helpings.So, in effect, it's because you are on a diet and eating "healthy foods" that you are gaining weight.There is some logic to this frustrating fact of dieting life.Check it out here at http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1193076/Why-oh-healthy-diet-foods-make-eat-more.html...
Your ship is about to set sail on your chance to win a free 4-day vacation cruise for two courtesy of Diet-to-Go. We think a cruise is a great way to reward yourself for the progress you've been making toward your weight loss goal. But you need to act fast. The contest ends June 30 at 5 p.m. The grand prize winner will be announced on or about July 15th. Don't miss the boat. Enter now by visiting Diettogo.com and clicking on the contest icon. Or you can simply click here http://diettogo.com/diet-go-vacation-give-away-registration and fill out the registration form. The...
The annual Extreme BBrickover weight loss challenge was a stunning success with 9 men and women losing a total of 321 pounds - that's an awesome average of 35.7 pounds per contestant! Overall winner Paul Sappington lost 20.85% of his total body weight... a whopping 49.0 pounds in just eight weeks! Paul won the contest, but the honorary prize for most pounds dropped goes to second-place finisher Nathaniel Luckman who shed a super 68.0 pounds or 19.93% of his body weight! Also worth mentioning is third-place finisher Mark Kim who pared 54.0 pounds. Diet-to-Go provided the food; the challengers did...
When the heat of summer strikes, these cold meals are sure to satisfy and keep you cool. They're also portable which means they often end up with me at our neighborhood pool!If you don't currently get any of these meals, but would like to, please contact Customer Service at 1-800-743-SLIM (7546). We'll help you incorporate them into your meal plan! Greek Pasta SaladThis meal is on our Vegetarian menu and it's definitely our most popular pasta salad. We toss together the perfect portion of bow tie pasta, feta cheese, black olives, diced red peppers, and a great vinaigrette dressing. We...
Got a family reunion coming up? Or are you just dying to fit into your skinny pants?The experts stress that healthy weight loss is 1-2 pounds per week. But as most veteran dieters know, the first week of a serious diet plan leads to more weight loss than that.So if you need to drop 7 pounds fast, follow these proven tips compiled by Quick & Simple.To get all the details of this weeklong emergency plan, go here:http://health.msn.com/weight-loss/articlepage.aspx?cp-documentid=100239644&Gt1=31036...
Fruits and vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet and there's no better time than summer to enjoy a few of these nutrient-rich great foods. The local farmers' markets carry an amazing variety of fresh fruits and vegetables that are both nutritious and delicious. When it comes to cooking fruits and vegetables, use very little liquid or steam them just until tender to preserve the nutrients. A quick and easy way to cook them is to use the microwave. If you prefer a topping on your vegetable, use very little oil or cheese since this will add unwanted calories. Here are some...
Memorial Day has come and gone and you know what that means: It's time for the pools to open! There isn't a woman with a weight issue who looks forward to this time of year. Yet, ready or not, it's time to break out your swimsuit. The ideal time to worry about it would have been months (or maybe years) ago, but we are faced with the need for some quick fixes. Quick... take an honest look at your body. It's OK. Take a look and take an inventory. Take note of what needs some improvement... what is fine as it is... and,...
Eat more frequently... increase water intake... cut back on processed and packaged foods. Those are the big three weight loss tips that will actually help you slim down and get healthier. So says registered dietitian Jayson Hunter, who notes: "There are some healthy weight loss tips which are effective and there are some which are not. It is important that you are aware of those healthy weight loss tips which are more effective than the others." Check out more at http://www.transworldnews.com/NewsStory.aspx?id=92570&cat=10...
It's no secret that trans fats are bad fats and that we shouldn't be eating them.We've been hearing that message for a few years now and reading labels within an inch of our lives to make sure we're not eating them. We've even bought foods previously engulfed in this wicked substance because right there on the front of the label is the braggadocios "Zero Trans Fats" proclaiming its newly formulated recipe to be free of iniquity. Hmmm, could it really be true? And before we even go there, we need to talk about this trans fat thing. So what's a trans fat...
I've been following my current weight loss plan for nine weeks now. So far, so good... But as every veteran dieter knows, it isn't easy staying the course. According to a WebMD feature, "Most dieters start out with great intentions for diet success -- hitting the gym every day and cutting calories to a minimum. But before long, when the results are not fast enough, and maintaining the routine gets tough, they throw in the towel." Will you be able to stick to your diet? Or will you do what too many of us do -- quit early and gain back the weight? Get...
We think our delicious meals are priced just right for the discerning dieter or busy, health-minded individual. Thousands of you agree. According to at least one expert, the Department of Agriculture's Thrifty Food Plan is a good blueprint for a healthy, affordable diet. The Thrifty Food Plan is the least expensive of the plans the USDA has laid out, which also include the "Low Cost," "Moderate Cost," and "Liberal" plans. The "Thrifty" plan is used to determine eligibility for Food Stamps. Check out the details here: http://www.reuters.com/article/bigMoney/idUS189788052120090603...
The recent buzz about Angelina Jolie's extreme diet leads to two questions. Is it effective? Maybe. Is it healthy? Probably not.The actress is attempting to lose weight for her upcoming film Salt, in which she plays a CIA assassin who must disguise herself as a man. Quick results are not always the best results. Extreme dieting tactics are ultimately ineffective, unhealthy, and frustrating for the dieter. What do you think about Angelina's radical diet? Get the skinny on the 21-Day Martha's Vineyard Diet Detox right here http://www.examiner.com/x-11548-Colorado-Springs-Nutrition-Examiner~y2009m6d2-Angelina-Jolies-extreme-diet-healthy-or-harmful...
I don't know about you but a great part of my Diet-to-Go meal delivery plan is that I can add in a few extra calories or treats without harming my weight loss. The weather is heating up so I need something to cool me down. Ice water and chilled diet soda are OK, but there's nothing like a frozen concoction to help me hang on. Today's frozen treats taste so great you really have a hard time telling them apart from full-fat premium ice cream or ice cream bars. You can take stock of the top choices in eight distinct frozen treat categories...
If you're substantially overweight, you may have considered surgery to reverse the problem... and to possibly save your life. It's a major lifechanging decision -- one that should not be made without plenty of research and soul searching. Obesity is associated with an increased risk of developing certain disorders, which either disappear or are better controlled with conventional treatments following weight loss. This article summarizes the scientifically proven benefits of losing weight through bariatric surgery. http://medicaltourismmag.com/detail.php?Req=221&issue=10...
Odds are you've purchased at least one weight loss pill or potion in your dieting lifetime. We spend billions on products we hope will prove to be the magic bullet for losing weight. But do we ever stop to research what we're putting into our body? Probably not. According to a Stamford News feature, the makers of natural weight-loss products use a range of plant and animal extracts, vitamins and minerals that they promise will speed metabolism, suppress appetite, make you feel full and convert fat into muscle. The following are among those ingredients most frequently used in these formulas, along...
Looking for a way to lose weight without having to go on a starvation diet? You can lose weight easily and sensibly if you just follow these 7 ways to outsmart your stomach. According to AlternativeHealthJournal.com, the super seven are: 1. Never Eat Until you can Eat No More 2. Never Skip Breakfast 3. Eat Smaller Meals 4. Stay away from Simple Carbohydrates 5. Avoid Eating in Front of the TV 6. Keep a Food Journal 7. Watch What You Drink Follow these healthy dieting tips you will be able to see the results in a short time. For the complete story, go to http://www.alternativehealthjournal.com/article/healthy_dieting_tips/3386...
Personal struggles aside, Oprah does offer some sound advice on general healthful eating habits and exercise plans. Dr. David L. Katz and Dr. Mehmet Oz, both resident heath experts on The Oprah Winfrey Show and columnists in Oprah's magazine, have a slew of credentials to back the nutrition tips they give to Oprah audiences. Newsweek.com is serving up five of their best tips: 1. Nutrient-rich foods 2. Identifying why/when you eat 3. Setting food boundaries 4. Limiting portion sizes 5. Dieting for life "Anyone can reduce calories for a certain amount of time, but if they havent really made a lifestyle change, rather just some rules...
Dieting excuses are like snowflakes -- they're all different and they all melt the moment you turn up the heat on them! Let's take a look at 7 common excuses for not dieting. 1. I love good food! So? The person who uses this excuse is the same person who equates dieting with deprivation. The word DIET is a noun for the food we eat. It's not supposed to be a verb that means we need to actively cut things out of our menu. Good food will keep you on a weight loss plan. More than likely, it's your portions that kill your diet......
Four tenths of a pound may not sound like much, but when you drop 0.4 pounds after you've already slimmed 30 pounds, it keeps you smiling and determined to stay the course! The actual scale number this morning was 226.0. After 8 weeks I am down a total of 30.4 pounds. What this small weekly loss tells me is that I need to finally start a little aerobic exercise. No, Mr. Bad Food isn't about to slip into brightly colored tights and start jumping around with Jane Fonda or whoever is the reigning queen of aerobics. Shorts and a tattered...