Diet-to-Go Blog
  1. Pinterest Top 10 - Week of Jan. 28

    From healthy eating, to fun fitness routines, to motivation you won't find anywhere else, we want to share some pins we love. Each week, we will select the Pinterest top 10 pins of the week and share them, from our hearts to yours.

  2. Weekly Round-Up - Week Ending in 2/1/2013

    Every week, we're bringing you the best - the most interesting, exciting and informative news, articles, studies and blog postings from the week before. We scour the web for the choicest material and consolidate it all in one place so you don't have to. Enjoy!

  3. Tips and Recipes For a Healthier Super Bowl Party

    So it’s almost Super Bowl Sunday, and you’re psyched to have all your friends over to watch the Ravens take on the 49ers in what’s sure to be an epic battle. But a nagging voice in the back of your head reminds you that Super Bowl parties usually go hand-in-hand with high calorie snacks, sure to cause you to stray far, far away from your healthy lifestyle.

    While its okay to indulge on occasion, that does not give you a license to overindulge, munching all day on high-calorie, high-fat foods. So how do you balance your desire to throw the perfect party, complete with delicious food, without all the unhealthy snacks? Here are some tips and recipes to help you avoid making your Super Bowl party turn into major regret when you see the numbers reflect on the scale.

  4. Pinterest Top 10 - Week of Jan. 21

    From healthy eating, to fun fitness routines, to motivation you won't find anywhere else, we want to share some pins we love. Each week, we will select the top 10 Pinterest posts of the week and share them, from our hearts to yours.

  5. Using Social Media to Restore Your New Year's Weight Loss Resolution

    It’s almost the end of January, and gone are the memories of clinking champagne glasses, distant melodies of Auld Lang Syne and laughing friends locking lips to bring in the New Year.

    The fondness of the holidays are behind us, and most of us are starting to plan for tax season and looking forward to when the cold weather is behind us and we get to enjoy late afternoon walks and blooming flowers.

    As the grind of everyday life is back in full swing, it might become more and more difficult to stay on track with your New Year’s weight loss resolution.

  6. 5 Natural Sleep Aid Superfoods

    When you find yourself hungry for a late-night snack, it's the most natural thing in the world to reach for the ice cream, a bag of chips or a nightcap. But would you be selective if you knew that your choice of late-night nosh could make a difference in how easily you fall asleep and stay asleep?

    If you’re hankering for that late-night snack, you might want to put down the Dorito bag and grab one of these 5 natural sleep aid superfoods to help you fall asleep more quickly and your slumber last longer.

  7. The Early Bird or A Post-Work Fitness Routine?

    Proper nutrition and dieting are the biggest keys to transforming your life and losing weight. But for most people, getting in a little exercise now and then can really tip the scales between success and failure for overall healthier living.

    Yet for many of us, determining the best time to hit the gym or actively engage our bodies in some way can be tough. Is it better to exercise when our body is physically operating at peak capacity, or does it make more sense to engage our bodies first thing in the morning? 

  8. 5 Healthy Snacks to Push Past Afternoon Cravings

    One of the things people struggle with the most when it comes to their diets is snacking. With so many choices out there, snacking can be one of the most confusing areas of our diet. We often wonder what snacks are appropriate to eat, when we should eat them and how they’ll affect our weight loss.

    There are many studies that highlight the benefits of snacking, such as improved appetite control and the opportunity to pre-empt hunger pains by planning for healthy snacks during the day. Yet time and time again, people fail to realize that “snacking” does not mean that it’s okay to grab a bag of salty chips or scarf down a candy bar between meals. 

  9. Top 10 Ways to Stay on Track with Your New Year's Weight Loss Goals

    When it comes to New Year’s resolutions, many of us choose leading a healthier lifestyle as the one at the forefront. Yet staying on track can be difficult to do in our hectic lives.

    To help you maintain focus, we’ve compiled a list of the top 10 ways to stay the course with your New Year’s resolution goals, which we believe will keep you motivated as you work to improve your lifestyle the healthy and delicious way!

  10. Chocolate and Wine – A Perfect Match

    Whenever I tell someone that I’m a dietitian, they automatically think that I’m going to tell them what they cannot eat – the “bad” foods. Similarly, many of my clients look to me as the person who will take their favorite foods away from them. Across the board, people are surprised when they find out that I’m a “nice dietitian”.

  11. thisisatestpost


  12. Staying Motivated to Lose Weight

    When first starting out, staying motivated to lose weight is easy. But what happens when you’ve been on the weight loss quest for weeks, or months, and you still have a ways to go? We all know losing weight is a journey, but what's the secret to staying motivated when the journey is a long way from over? It may be hard, but it is possible.


  13. Weight Loss Plateaus

    Dreaded, feared and unfortunately, pretty much inevitable: the weight loss plateau. You know the story; you’re doing great, losing weight, feeling fantastic and then…bam! You’re stuck. No matter what you do, the scale does not move. Weight loss plateaus, they are the worst! But what exactly is a weight loss plateau, why do they happen? And more importantly, what can we do to get past them?

  14. Healthy Living Tips

    Living a healthy life isn’t always easy. We are constantly bombarded with decadent temptations and conflicting advice in the news. What’s a well-meaning, health-conscious individual to do? If we’ve learned anything here at Diet-to-Go it’s that living healthy is not an all or nothing proposition. Living healthy is about...

  15. Health Benefits of Gardening

    There’s something to be said for “playing in the dirt.” Gardening – the adult version of dirt playing – can be incredibly gratifying. Seeing that first bit of growth start to pop out of the ground after all your prepping, planting and pampering can be quite satisfying. However, did you realize that besides making you feel good about your agriculture aptitude, there are significant health benefits of gardening? It’s true. It may be time to dust off that shovel.

  16. Juggling the Struggle: Work, Motherhood, Weight...Life!

    Diet-to-Go is pleased to have Emma Kaufmann as one of our new guest bloggers. A Londoner born and bred, Emma moved to Baltimore, MD eleven years ago with her then new American husband. She has since had two daughters and written a book, Cocktails At Naptime - A Woefully Inadequate Guide to Early Motherhood and publishes her own blog, Mommy Has a Headache. Emma will be sharing her humorous outlook on life, motherhood, career all while struggling to manage her weight.

  17. Exercise and your Brain

    We all know exercise helps to increase our energy level, expedites weight loss and helps with weight management efforts, as well as provide tremendous benefits to our overall health, but what about your brain? What if any impact does physical exercise have on your brain? Many people claim that regular exercise helps keep them sane, but what are the facts?

    Are there real, tangible benefits of physical exercise on your brain?


  18. Best Foods for a Healthy Heart

    Our hearts do so much for us, it’s important we feed them well. Fortunately when you choose Diet-to-Go you can be assured you are getting all the nutrients your heart needs to be healthy and work it’s very best. But what about when you’re not eating Diet-to-Go? What are the best foods for a healthy heart?

  19. Stress and Heart Health

    Stress plays a major role in our heart health. In fact, more than exercise or even healthy eating, stress can have the biggest impact on your heart health in a myriad of ways. Learning to understand the kinds of stress, the possible impact it has on your heart and overall health as well as ways to manage stress will go a long way in keeping your heart, and you, as healthy as possible.

  20. Top Five Ways to Improve your Heart Health

    February, the month of love, is also American Heart Month. Heart Disease is the number one killer of women and cardiovascular disease (which includes a number of conditions affecting the heart) is the leading cause of death for both women and men. While the statistics are dire, the solutions are definitely doable. Read more to see the top five ways to improve your heart health...

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